
4.303 Dialogue in Art, Architecture, and Urbanism
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/architecture/4-303-dialogue-in-art-arc...  
主讲教师: Antonio Muntadas
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2003-09-01
课程语种: 英语
在这节课中,我们将研究城市的概念是如何被“翻译”的。由艺术家,建筑师和其他不同的学科。我们将考虑艺术家和建筑师之间的合作如何为重新思考/重新设计城市空间提供机会。本课程将特别关注巴西利亚、拉斯维加斯、堪培拉等规划中的城市,以及Celebration城,并将这些tabula rasa设计与可回收城市空间的再设计进行比较,这些可回收城市空间的再设计曾在世贸中心遗址、2004年巴塞罗那和波士顿的Rose Kennedy Greenway等项目中展示过。虽然本课程将包含一些阅读和讨论,但课程作业将主要集中在学生自己的项目/干预上,这些项目/干预应在本学期的课程中逐步发展。在每周两次的班会中,一次是与全班同学和来访的来宾进行小组讨论或讲座,另一次是由学生和指导老师单独举行会议,讨论他或她的课堂作业,包括期末专题。
课程简介: In this class we will examine how the idea of the city has been "translated" by artists, architects, and other diverse disciplines. We will consider how collaborations between artists and architects might provide opportunities for rethinking / redesigning urban spaces. The class will look specifically at planned cities like Brasilia, Las Vegas, Canberra, and Celebration and compare such tabula rasa designs with the redesign of recyclable urban spaces demonstrated in projects such as Ground Zero, Barcelona 2004, and Boston's Rose Kennedy Greenway. While the course will involve some reading and discussion, coursework will focus largely on the students' own projects / interventions that should evolve over the course of the semester.  Of the two weekly class meetings, one will be a group discussion or lecture with the whole class and visiting guests, and the other will be an individual meeting between the student and the instructor to discuss his or her work for the class, including the final project.
关 键 词: 都市化; 艺术; 建筑
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-09-19:wrq
阅读次数: 40