
HST.151 药理学原理

HST.151 Principles of Pharmacology
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/health-sciences-and-technology/hst-151...  
主讲教师: Carl Rosow ; David Standaert; Gary Strichartz
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2005-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程的目的是教导学生一种研究药物的方法。它不打算是药典的审查。重点介绍了生物物理学、生物化学和生理学的基本原理,以及药物作用、生物分布和代谢的机制。本课程包括讲座和学生主导的案例讨论。所涵盖的主题包括:药物作用机制、剂量-反应关系、药代动力学、药物传递系统、药物代谢、药物毒性、药物相互作用和药物滥用。对选定的代理和代理的类别进行了详细的分析。讲师:Keith Baker教授、Mark Dershwitz博士、Harold demaco博士、Daniel Kohane博士、Donald Kufe博士、Robert Langer博士、Robert Lees博士、Robert Rubin博士、Jeremy Ruskin博士、Thomas Spitzer教授、Carol Walsh博士、Michael Weinblatt博士、Warren Zapol博士
课程简介: The object of the course is to teach students an approach to the study of pharmacologic agents. It is not intended to be a review of the pharmacopoeia. The focus is on the basic principles of biophysics, biochemistry and physiology, as related to the mechanisms of drug action, biodistribution and metabolism. The course consists of lectures and student-led case discussions. Topics covered include: mechanisms of drug action, dose-response relations, pharmacokinetics, drug delivery systems, drug metabolism, toxicity of pharmacological agents, drug interaction and substance abuse. Selected agents and classes of agents are examined in detail. Lecturers Prof. Keith Baker Dr. Mark Dershwitz Harold Demonaco Dr. Daniel Kohane Dr. Donald Kufe Prof. Robert Langer Dr. Robert Lees Dr. Robert Rubin Dr. Jeremy Ruskin Prof. Thomas Spitzer Prof. Carol Walsh Dr. Michael Weinblatt Dr. Warren Zapol
关 键 词: 药理学; 临床前; 生物物理学; 生物化学; 药物作用生理学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2024-06-04:chenjy
阅读次数: 29