

24.919 Topics in Linguistics: Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/linguistics-and-philosophy/24-919-topi...  
主讲教师: Michel DeGraff
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
加勒比海的克理奥尔语言是语言的副产品的历史事件引发的殖民非洲奴隶贸易和“新的世界״。简而言之,这些语言是17 /18世纪加勒比殖民地非洲人和欧洲人接触历史所确定的特定社会环境中习得语言的结果。海地克里奥尔语是最著名的克里奥尔语之一,也是人口最多的克里奥尔语。它的词汇和语法的各个方面主要来源于17 /18世纪殖民时期海地所说的法语。它的语法的其他方面似乎是在非洲语言的影响下出现的,主要来自西非和中非。然而,其他属性在任何源语言中似乎都没有类似的属性。透过以海地克理奥尔语形态句法为研究对象的个案研究,我们将从认知、历史和比较的角度探讨克理奥尔化。我们将以海地克里奥尔语及其一些加勒比同族语作为测试案例,评估关于克里奥尔语发展的各种假设,以及第一和第二语言习得在这种发展中所起的作用。我们也将探讨非语言意义上的克理奥尔化概念。然后我们将讨论“加勒比身份”的问题。通过研究克理奥尔语使用者对克理奥尔语及其对应的欧洲语言以及对其种族构成中非洲和欧洲部分的态度的样本。
课程简介: The Creole languages spoken in the Caribbean are linguistic by-products of the historical events triggered by colonization and the slave trade in Africa and the "New World״. In a nutshell, these languages are the results of language acquisition in the specific social settings defined by the history of contact between African and European peoples in 17th-/18th-century Caribbean colonies. One of the best known Creole languages, and the one with the largest community of speakers, is Haitian Creole. Its lexicon and various aspects of its grammar are primarily derived from varieties of French as spoken in 17th-/18th-century colonial Haiti. Other aspects of its grammar seem to have emerged under the influence of African languages, mostly from West and Central Africa. And yet other properties seem to have no analogues in any of the source languages. Through a sample of linguistic case studies focusing on Haitian Creole morphosyntax, we will explore creolization from a cognitive, historical and comparative perspective. Using Haitian Creole and some of its Caribbean congeners as test cases, we will evaluate various hypotheses about the development of Creole languages and about the role of first- and second-language acquisition in such development. We will also explore the concept of Creolization in its non-linguistic senses. Then we will address questions of "Caribbean identities" by examining a sample of Creole speakers' attitudes toward the Creole language and the corresponding European language and toward the African and European components of their ethnic make-up.
关 键 词: 社会语言学; 克理奥尔语; 加勒比语; 口语习得; 身份; 非洲; 欧洲; 海地; 殖民地; 沙土; 新世界; 词汇; 文化; 宗教; 音乐; 文学
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2018-06-19:cmh
阅读次数: 142