
21M.263 1960以来的音乐

21M.263 Music Since 1960
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/music-and-theater-arts/21m-263-music-s...  
主讲教师: Brian Robison
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2006-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本课程以20世纪60年代是20世纪西方音乐文化史上的一个重要分水岭为前提,探讨作曲家、表演者和听众自20世纪60年代以来各种社会和艺术关注点的演变方式。它的重点是来自世界各地的古典作曲家的作品。主题包括60 - 70年代发展起来的岩石的影响;后系列、新古典主义、极简主义、新时代风格的同时出现;西方音乐传统的全球化;新技术的影响;以及音乐视频、视频游戏等多媒体版本的意义。课程将这些主题的讨论与对1960年以来四十年来均匀分布的重要音乐作品的深入研究交织在一起;包括麻省理工学院作曲家的作品。
课程简介: This course begins with the premise that the 1960s mark a great dividing point in the history of 20th century Western musical culture, and explores the ways in which various social and artistic concerns of composers, performers, and listeners have evolved since that decade. It focuses on works by classical composers from around the world. Topics include the impact of rock, as it developed during the 1960s - 70s; the concurrent emergence of post serial, neotonal, minimalist, and new age styles; the globalization of Western musical traditions; the impact of new technologies; and the significance of music video, video games, and other versions of multimedia. The course interweaves discussion of these topics with close study of seminal musical works, evenly distributed across the four decades since 1960; works by MIT composers are included.
关 键 词: 当代音乐; 古典音乐; 即兴演奏; 序列化; 极简主义; 爵士乐
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2024-05-11:chenjy
阅读次数: 67