res.8 001应用几何代数(麻省理工学院)

RES.8-001 Applied Geometric Algebra (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-8-001-applied-geometric-algebra-...  
主讲教师: Prof. László Tisza
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
l á szl ó 蒂萨是麻省理工学院的物理学教授, 1941年开始教授。该在线出版物是提萨教授1976年春教授教授教授教授 "应用几何代数课程的原始课堂笔记的翻版。在过去的100年里, 物理学家所使用的数学工具已经大大扩展, 从微积分、向量代数和几何学, 到高级线性代数、张量、希尔伯特空间、纺纱机、群论和许多其他方面。这些复杂的工具为描述物理世界提供了强大的机制, 然而, 它们的物理解释往往并不直观。这些课程笔记代表了蒂萨教授试图为这些先进数学工具的应用和解释带来概念上的清晰和统一。特别是, 在经典、相对论和量子物理学中, 强调了群论所发挥的统一作用。tisza 教授用先进的处理方法重温了许多基本问题, 以帮助发展代数机械的几何直觉, 这些机制可能会延续到更高级的问题。这些课堂笔记是通过77年的塞缪尔·加斯特 (课程 18) 来到麻省理工开放课程的, 他参加了课程, 并保留了一本课堂笔记, 供他自己参考。他花了几十个小时自己的时间, 将打字笔记转换成 latex 文件, 然后发布准备好的 pdf。你可以读到他想看这些笔记发表在序言中的动机。蒂萨教授允许他在麻省理工学院的开放式课程上提供这些笔记。
课程简介: László Tisza was Professor of Physics Emeritus at MIT, where he began teaching in 1941. This online publication is a reproduction the original lecture notes for the course "Applied Geometric Algebra" taught by Professor Tisza in the Spring of 1976. Over the last 100 years, the mathematical tools employed by physicists have expanded considerably, from differential calculus, vector algebra and geometry, to advanced linear algebra, tensors, Hilbert space, spinors, Group theory and many others. These sophisticated tools provide powerful machinery for describing the physical world, however, their physical interpretation is often not intuitive. These course notes represent Prof. Tisza's attempt at bringing conceptual clarity and unity to the application and interpretation of these advanced mathematical tools. In particular, there is an emphasis on the unifying role that Group theory plays in classical, relativistic, and quantum physics. Prof. Tisza revisits many elementary problems with an advanced treatment in order to help develop the geometrical intuition for the algebraic machinery that may carry over to more advanced problems. The lecture notes came to MIT OpenCourseWare by way of Samuel Gasster, '77 (Course 18), who had taken the course and kept a copy of the lecture notes for his own reference. He dedicated dozens of hours of his own time to convert the typewritten notes into LaTeX files and then publication-ready PDFs. You can read about his motivation for wanting to see these notes published in his Preface. Professor Tisza kindly gave his permission to make these notes available on MIT OpenCourseWare.
关 键 词: 应用几何代数; 数学; 代数学
课程来源: MIT Course
最后编审: 2015-10-10:linxl
阅读次数: 52