

SP.733 Special Topics at Edgerton Center:Developing World Prosthetics (MIT)
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/special-programs/sp-733-special-topics...  
主讲教师: Ken Endo, Robert Emerson
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
D-Lab World假肢是麻省理工学院和斋浦尔足部组织的合作项目,旨在改进发展中国家康复设备的设计、制造和销售。本课程欢迎对物理康复感兴趣的个人加入由生物工程、机械工程、材料科学、医学或医学前背景的学生组成的多学科团队。学生将学习人类行走的基本知识,不同类型的步态障碍,以及寻求解决这些障碍的技术。提出了病人的观点和目前的研究领域。讲座主题集中于下肢残疾,包括小儿麻痹症、膝上和膝下截肢,并将涵盖发达国家和发展中国家克服这些残疾的技术。学生们组成团队,设计和原型低成本的矫形和假体装置,并在课程结束时展示他们的工作。
课程简介: D-Lab World Prosthetics is a collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Jaipur Foot Organization to improve the design, manufacture, and distribution of rehabilitation devices in the developing world. The course welcomes individuals interested in physical rehabilitation to work on multidisciplinary teams of students with bioengineering, mechanical engineering, material science, and medical or pre-medical backgrounds. Students will learn about the basics of human walking, different types of gait disabilities, as well as the technologies that seek to address those disabilities. Patient perspectives and current research areas are presented. Lecture topics focus on lower-limb disabilities, including polio and above-knee and below-knee amputation, and will cover both developed and developing world techniques for overcoming these disabilities. Students form teams to design and prototype low-cost orthotic and prosthetic devices, and present their work at the end of the course.
关 键 词: 发展中国家; 第三世界; 正确技术
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-11-13:wrq
阅读次数: 76