

11.521 / 11.523 / 11.524 Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
课程网址: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/urban-studies-and-planning/11-521-spat...  
主讲教师: Prof. Joseph Ferreira; Prof. Lorlene Hoyt
开课单位: 麻省理工学院
开课时间: 2003-01-01
课程语种: 英语
本学期的长课(11.521)分为两部分。前半部分侧重于学习空间数据库管理技术和方法,下半部分侧重于使用这些技术解决“现实世界”中面向客户的规划问题。本学期上半学期可单独以班级号11.523上课,下半学期可单独以班级号11.524上课。为了帮助形成和利用支持都市地区管理和发展的信息基础设施,规划人员需要基本了解查询、分析和共享复杂数据库和地图的工具和技术。管理对不断变化的大型空间数据集的在线访问,可以为规划提供强大的帮助,并可以在日益分散的世界中促进机构间合作与协作。但它需要使用知识表示方法、客户机-服务器技术和访问控制问题,这些问题与在个人计算机上建模和可视化独立数据集所需要的问题大不相同。因此,规划人员应掌握数据库管理、数字空间数据分析和网络的基本技能。本学期的11.523部分在解决这些问题的同时,将重点放在计划(而不是计算机科学)上。涉及真实数据、地图和图像的练习和示例用于开发使用数据库查询语言的技能,以及结构化数据库的设计开发和使用。课堂作业主要利用网络工具、地理信息系统和数据库软件,并在新的高性能PC计算集群上进行实验练习。具体来说,我们将使用SQL(结构化查询语言)访问Oracle 8i数据库,并将ArcView用于GIS。每周有两个60到90分钟的课程,外加另外一个90多分钟的电子课堂实践实验室。课堂讲授将集中在概念和案例讨论上,安排的实验时间将集中在计算机力学和技能建设上。11.523课程的具体主题包括:利用各种浏览、可视化和数据管理工具查找、理解和构建Internet上可用的数字空间数据;利用关系数据库技术和结构化查询语言(SQL)设计、构建、查询和更新城市规划数据库;对所谓的“客户机/服务器”和“企业GIS”技术有一定的经验,这些技术有助于分布式访问复杂的空间数据和城市规划应用程序;高级GIS主题,如3D可视化和地理空间web服务。本学期的11.524部分将把课堂当作一个专业规划办公室,作为一个团队,为他们的客户劳伦斯社区工程公司(Lawrence Community Works, Inc.,简称LCW)制作两个可交付成果。劳伦斯社区工程公司是一家位于马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市的社区开发公司。LCW和DUSP最近同意在未来五年合作,设计和实施一个多层次的基于网络的规划系统,促进民主参与,并告知社区发展项目……
课程简介: This semester long subject (11.521) is divided into two halves. The first half focuses on learning spatial database management techniques and methods and the second half focuses on using these skills to address a 'real world,' client-oriented planning problem. The first half of the semester may be taken separately using the class number 11.523 and the second half may be taken separately as 11.524. In order to help shape and utilize the information infrastructure that will support the management and development of our metropolitan areas, planners need a basic understanding of the tools and technology for querying, analyzing, and sharing complex databases and maps. Managing online access to large and constantly-changing spatial datasets can be a powerful aid to planning and can facilitate inter-agency cooperation and collaboration in an increasingly decentralized world. But it requires the use of knowledge representation methods, client-server technologies and access control issues that are quite different from what are needed to model and visualize standalone datasets on a personal computer. Hence, planners should acquire basic skills in database management, digital spatial data analysis, and networking. The 11.523 portion of the semester addresses these issues while retaining a focus on planning (rather than on computer science). This is an intensive, hands-on class that stresses learning by doing. Exercises and examples involving real-world data, maps, and images are used to develop skills with database query languages and the design development and use of structured databases. Class work utilizes web tools, GIS, and database software with lab exercises primarily on the new high-performance PC computing cluster. Specifically, we will access an Oracle 8i database using SQL (structured query language) and use ArcView for GIS. Each week there are two sixty to ninety-minute classes plus another 90+ minute hands-on lab in electronic classrooms. Class lectures will focus on concepts and case discussion, the scheduled lab time focuses on computer mechanics and skill building. Specific topics during 11.523 include: finding, understanding and structuring digital spatial data that are available on the Internet using various browsing, visualization, and data management tools; considerable work with relational database technologies and the Structured Query Language (SQL) to design, construct, query, and update urban planning databases; some experience with so-called 'client/server' and 'enterprise GIS' technologies for facilitating distributed access to complex spatial data and urban planning applications; advanced GIS topics such as 3D visualizations and geospatial web services. The 11.524 portion of the semester will treat the classroom like a professional planning office, working as a team to produce a two deliverables for their client, Lawrence Community Works, Inc. (LCW), a community development corporation located in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts. LCW and DUSP recently agreed to work together for the next five years to design and implement a multi-tier web-based planning system that promotes democratic involvement and informs community development projects...
关 键 词: 地理信息系统; 空间数据; 城市规划
课程来源: 麻省理工学院公开课
最后编审: 2025-01-02:chenjy
阅读次数: 74