MATLAB简介Introduction to MATLAB |
课程网址: | |
主讲教师: | Yossi Farjoun |
开课单位: | 麻省理工学院 |
开课时间: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 这是一本免费的在线教科书,与麻省理工学院的开放式课程软件一起使用。它是“为没有编程经验的学生,提供了编程的基础,在MATLAB®;解释了变量、数组、条件语句、循环、函数和图。在课程结束时,学生应该能够使用MATLAB在他们自己的工作,并准备深化MATLAB编程计算技能和解决其他语言,比如Java、c++、Python。״ |
课程简介: | This is a free, online textbook that is used in conjunction with MIT's OpenCourseWare. It is "intended for students with no programming experience, provides the foundations of programming in MATLAB®. Variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops, functions, and plots are explained. At the end of the course, students should be able to use MATLAB in their own work, and be prepared to deepen their MATLAB programming skills and tackle other languages for computing, such as Java, C++, or Python.״ |
关 键 词: | OpenCourseWare; MATLAB; Java |
课程来源: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
最后编审: | 2018-11-17:wrq |
阅读次数: | 70 |