
Medical Ethics
课程网址: http://ocw.nd.edu/philosophy/medical-ethics  
主讲教师: David Solomon
开课单位: 圣母大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
中文简介: 本课程由David Solomon教授提供,是对生物医学伦理学的介绍。本课程的第一部分介绍了基本的道德理论,旨在作为背景辅助,用于思考课程其余部分讨论的特定问题。要讨论的具体主题包括医生/患者关系中的保密和真相,医学实验和知情同意,堕胎,重病婴儿的治疗决策,医生协助自杀和医疗改革。
课程简介: This course, offered by Professor David Solomon, is an introduction to biomedical ethics. The first part of the course provides an introduction to basic ethical theory, which is intended to serve as a background aid for thinking through the particular issues discussed in the remainder of the course. Specific topics to be discussed include confidentiality and truth-telling in the doctor/patient relationship, medical experimentation and informed consent, abortion, treatment decisions for seriously ill infants, physician assisted suicide, and health care reform.
关 键 词: 保密性和真相医生和病人的关系; 医学实验和知情同意; 流产,病重的婴儿的治疗决定; 医生协助自杀; 卫生保健改革
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2014-03-26:lxx
阅读次数: 46