

ENG001: Elementary English
课程网址: http://ocw.vu.edu.pk/CourseDetails.aspx?cat=English&course=ENG001  
主讲教师: Imran Chaudhry
开课单位: 巴基斯坦虚拟大学
开课时间: 2017-09-01
课程语种: 英语
1.新闻写作导论2。3.优秀作家的素质。优秀作家的素质4。良好的写作能力。优秀写作品质写作过程。二、写作过程8。所有关于单词9。字典-作家的语言工具。四、结束语基本从句模式12。主动语态和被动语态。修饰语和句型14。间接引语15。语法句子mdash;问题16。语法句子mdash;问题二世17。有效的句子18。风格:指南和陷阱I 19。风格:指南和陷阱II 20。段落写作:类型与技巧段落写作:类型和技巧22。论文写作23。信号词24。说明性写作25。写作风格:报告与叙事写作26。写作风格:描述性和说服性写作27。研究写作和文献来源28。总结性和独联体写作。标点符号30.力学
课程简介: 1.Introduction to Journalistic Writing 2.Qualities of good writers 3.Qualities of good writersII 4.Qualities of good writing 5.Qualities of good writing II 6.The process of writing 7.The process of writing II 8.All about words 9.Dictionary-A Writer’s Language Tool 10.Parts of speech 11.Basic clause patterns 12.Active and passive voice 13.Modifiers and sentence types 14.Reported speech 15.Grammatical sentence – issues 16.Grammatical sentence – issues II 17.Effective Sentence 18.Style: Guideline And Pitfalls I 19.Style: Guideline And Pitfalls II 20.Paragraph Writing: Types And Techniques 21.Paragraph Writing: Types And Techniques 22.Essay Writing 23.Signal Words 24.Expository writing 25.The Writing Styles: Report And Narrative Writing 26.The Writing Styles: Descriptive And Persuasive Writings 27.Research Writing and Documenting Sources 28.Summary and Précis Writing 29.Punctuation 30.Mechanics
关 键 词: 英语; 写作; 语法
课程来源: Imran Chaudhry
最后编审: 2018-09-21:chenxin
阅读次数: 55