
Stealing Empire: P2P, intellectual property and hip-hop subversion
课程网址: http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/Humanities/Stealing-Empire-P2P-intel...  
主讲教师: Haupt, Adam
开课单位: 开普敦大学
开课时间: 2018-12-08
课程语种: 英语
窃取帝国提出了一个问题,“在企业全球化的时代,代理存在哪些可能性?”以安东尼奥·内格里(Antonio Negri)和迈克尔·哈特(Michael Hardt)的工作为切入点,亚当·豪普特(Adam Haupt)深入研究了不同的地形,在这个开创性的探索中找到了答案。他通过P2P平台(如Napster)探讨了关于版权的争论、言论自由的斗争、关于获取信息和开放内容许可的辩论,并对南非嘻哈艺术家创作的反语篇进行了政治上的尖锐分析。对于法律、媒体和文化研究学者来说,《窃取帝国》是一本非常重要的读物。这些学者希望弄清楚,为了确保霸权地位,他们采用了哪些法律和传播策略。
课程简介:  Stealing Empire poses the question, ""What possibilities for agency exist in the age of corporate globalisation?"" Using the work of Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt as a point of entry, Adam Haupt delves into varied terrain to locate answers in this ground-breaking inquiry. He explores arguments about copyright via peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms such as Napster, free speech struggles, debates about access to information and open content licenses, and develops a politically incisive analysis of counter discourses produced by South African hip-hop artists. Stealing Empire is vital reading for law, media and cultural studies scholars who want to make sense of the ways in which legal and communication strategies are employed to secure hegemony.
关 键 词: 电影与媒体研究; 知识共享; 知识产权; 媒体研究; 开放源码
课程来源: 开普敦大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-08:wxi
阅读次数: 30