
The "O" Report
课程网址: http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/Humanities/The-O-Report  
主讲教师: Kelly, Claire
开课单位: 开普敦大学
开课时间: 2011-12-01
课程语种: 英语
本报告将对那些研究人力资源管理的人,以及那些希望更多地了解后种族隔离时代南非组织内部变革的人具有价值。这一个案研究是南非多样化和平等干预一个更大的研究项目正在进行的十项个案研究之一。该研究的目的是围绕南非组织的多样性工作制定良好的实践规范。iNCUDISA联系了该组织(0),让其参与一个案例研究。O是一家位于开普敦的小型原料制造公司。在研究的时候,他们雇佣了232人。五年前,公司聘请了一名人力资源顾问来实施EE计划。执行这项计划的一部分涉及设立一个就业公平委员会。欧共体还承担培训任务,使其成为就业公平和培训委员会。人力资源经理将EETC命名为本案例中的多样性干预。由于研究的重点是良好的实践,人力资源经理判断这种干预是否成功是很重要的,尽管他/她承认存在一些困难的领域,但总的来说,这种干预被认为是成功的。本研究的目的是调查这种干预对组织的影响。 由NRF资助,SANPAD。
课程简介: This report will be of value to those studying human resource management, and those who wish to learn more about transformation within post-apartheid South African organisations. This case study is one of ten case studies being conducted as part of a larger research project on Diversity and Equity Interventions in South Africa (DEISA). The aim of the research is to develop codes of good practice around diversity work in South African organisations. The organisation (0) was approached by iNCUDISA to take part in a case study. O is a small ingredient manufacturing concern based in Cape Town. At the time of the research they employed 232 people. An HR consultant was employed five years ago to implement an EE plan. Part of the implementation of this plan involved the establishment of an Employment Equity Committee. The EEC also took on the mandate of training, making it the Employment Equity and Training Committee. The HR manager named the EETC as the diversity intervention in this case. As the focus of the research was on good practice it was important that the HR manager judge this intervention to be successful Although he/she admitted that there were areas of difficulty, the intervention was judged as a success overall. The aim of this research was to investigate the effects that this intervention had had on the organisation. Funded by NRF, SANPAD.
关 键 词: 跨文化和多样性研究; 多样性干预; 组织文化; 后种族隔离; 南非转型; 人力资源管理
课程来源: 开普敦大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-08:wxi
阅读次数: 39