

Scorpions and Spiders
课程网址: http://opencontent.uct.ac.za/Science/Scorpions-and-Spiders  
主讲教师: Engelbrecht, Ian ; Neary, Tim
开课单位: 开普敦大学
开课时间: 2014-09-12
课程语种: 英语
在这段广播中,Ian Engelbrecht在讨论非洲南部的蝎子。非洲南部是世界上蝎子种类最多的地区,已知种类有150种,该地区估计有400种蝎子,从最大的到最小的,从最危险的到最不危险的。伊恩讨论交配模式,包括交配舞蹈和安抚行为。许多蝎子能生下幼仔,数量在6到几百只之间,雌性蝎子表现出强烈的母性行为。还讨论了蝎子在干旱地区作为捕食者和食物来源的作用。公民科学家可以通过发送蝎子照片来提高当前种群研究的准确性。图片由Magnus Manske提供,在知识共享属性相似的2.0德国下。
课程简介: In this radio broadcast, Ian Engelbrecht discusses scorpions in Southern Africa. Southern Africa has the most diverse population of scorpions in the world, with 150 described species, with an estimated 400 species within the region, ranging from some of the largest to the smallest and the most and least dangerous. Ian discusses mating patterns, including mating dances and placating behaviour. Many scorpions give birth to live young, and can have between 6 and several hundred young, with females showing strong maternal behaviour. Also discussed are the role of scorpions in arid regions as both predators and food sources. Citizen scientists can contribute by sending in scorpion photographs to enhance the accuracy of current population studies. Image provided courtesy of Magnus Manske under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Germany.
关 键 词: 有毒的蝎子; ; 交配行为
课程来源: 开普敦大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-08:wxi
阅读次数: 13