
Fictionalised politics: how politics and politicians are represented in the US and the UK
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=2d3f11a5...  
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开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线观看或下载为zip文件。2010/2011学年秋季学期授课。这个模块评估了美国和英国对代议制政治的态度的变化,特别是政党和那些领导他们的人,通过他们在电影、戏剧和小说中的代表,自c19世纪以来。如何正式mdash;政党政治在电影、小说、短篇小说、戏剧和电视中都有体现(注:在本模块中,这五种形式都被称为“虚构”),这是一个令人兴奋和不断增长的研究领域。在美国尤其如此,但在英国(缓慢但肯定)也是如此。虽然对狭义的“政治”小说的研究有着悠久的历史,但只有在过去十年左右的时间里,对舞台、屏幕和页面上表现出来的小说的兴趣才逐渐进入主流分析。模块代码:M13092适合研究:本科生3学分:20教授史蒂文·菲尔丁守备教授的政治历史和英国政治中心主任他能够评论的大多数方面英国当代政治和现代政治历史,但有专业兴趣工党和大众对政治的看法。菲尔丁教授多次出现在Sky News、Channel Four News、Radio 4、Radio 5等地方和国际广播电台。他曾接受过《卫报》、《国际先驱论坛报》、《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《华盛顿邮报》等众多国际出版物的采访。他曾为《卫报》、BBC网站、《约克郡邮报》(Yorkshire Post)、《展望》(Prospect)、《进步》(Progress)以及《历史与政策》(History and Policy)撰稿。2010年7月,他在第四广播电台写了一部纪录片,名为《戏剧化的新工党》(dramatic sing New Labour)。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught Autumn Semester 2010/2011. This module assesses changing attitudes to representative politics in the US and UK, specifically political parties and those who lead them, through their representation in films, plays and novels since the C19th. How formal – party - politics is represented in films, novels, short stories, plays and television (note: in this module these five forms are covered by the term 'fiction') is an exciting and growing area of research. This is especially so in the US, but also (slowly but surely) in the UK. While the study of narrowly defined 'political' novels has a long lineage, it is only during the last decade or so that an interest in fictions expressed on the stage, screen and page has crept into more mainstream analysis. Module Code: M13092 Suitable for study at: undergraduate level 3 Credits: 20 Professor Steven Fielding Professor Fielding is Professor of Political History and Director of the Centre for British Politics He is able to comment on most aspects of British contemporary politics and modern political history, but has a specialist interest in the Labour Party and popular perceptions of politics in general. Professor Fielding has appeared many times on Sky News, Channel Four News, Radio 4 and Radio 5 as well as various local and international radio stations. He has been interviewed for the Guardian, International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and numerous other international publications. He has written for the Guardian, the BBC website, Yorkshire Post, Prospect, Progress as well as History and Policy. In July 2010 he wrote and presented a documentary on Radio 4, 'Dramatising New Labour'.
关 键 词: 模块框架; zip文件; 研究领域
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-15:wrq
阅读次数: 31