
政治在60秒内完成。 历史和国家

Politics in 60 seconds. History and the state
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=3e83a0ef...  
主讲教师: Malika Rahal
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: Dr Malika Rahal defines a polical concept in 60 seconds for those with a spare minute to learn something new. This videocast focuses on history and the state as a political concept. Warning: video does contain bloopers and out takes. May 2010 Suitable for Undergraduate study and Community education Dr Malika Rahal, School of Politics and International Relations Dr Malika Rahal is a lecturer specializing in Middle Eastern and North African History and Politics. Before joining the School of Politics in Nottingham, she was a History teacher and researcher in France. She still teaches at Science Po in Paris and is an associate researcher at the Institut d'Histoire du Temps présent (CNRS). Dr Malika Rahal's PhD dealt with the development of nationalist parties in Algeria before the independence and the way post-independence nationalist narratives wrote some of them out of history. Her research interests include the relation between metropoles and colonies and the forms of conflicts - whether armed or otherwise - leading to independences: political mobilization, repression, guerrilla and counter-guerrilla warfare, as well as the way colonial History is - or isn't - written in former colonies and metropoles.
关 键 词: 政治概念; 政治与国际关系; 历史与政治
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-15:wrq
阅读次数: 21