
Heuristic local search tutorial
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=5ade2b04...  
主讲教师: Zapiti, Maria
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
问题:现实世界的问题通常(如果不总是)被认为很难解决,因为:*问题不能总是用简单的数学方法表示和解决。*涉及很多参数和约束。一个问题可能的解决方案的数量是巨大的。好的解决方案需要快速找到*检查每一个可能的解决方案,为了找到最好的一个,是耗时的,有时甚至不可行。*解决方案的质量可能随时间而异,因此;可能需要多个不同的解决方案。启发式搜索:启发式搜索是指以发现好东西为目的的技术。在合理的计算时间内解决非常困难的优化和决策问题。启发式局部搜索:*一种基本的启发式搜索技术,它与完整的解决方案一起工作,并通过小的局部更改来寻找更好的解决方案。*所有启发式搜索技术都有相似的概念;例如搜寻空间、可行/不可行的解决方案、邻近地区及邻近地区之间的关系。*对于任何想要学习和使用启发式和元启发式算法来解决现实世界中难以解决的优化问题的人来说,很好地理解上述概念以及基本的局部搜索是如何工作的,这是必要的关键知识。 , ,
课程简介: The Problem: Real-world problems are usually (if not always) considered hard to be solved because: * Problems cannot always be represented and solved with a straightforward mathematical approach. * A lot of parameters and constraints are involved. * The number of possible solutions to a problem can be huge. * Good solutions need to be found fast * Checking every possible solution, for finding the best one, is time consuming and sometimes not even feasible. * The quality of a solution may vary according to time, thereby; more than one different solution might be required. Heuristic Search: Heuristic search refers to techniques with the aim of finding ‘good’ solutions for a very hard optimization and decision within a reasonable amount of computation time. Heuristic Local Search: * A basic heuristic search technique that works with complete solutions and seeks to find better solutions by making small local changes. * All heuristic search techniques share similar concepts; e.g. the search space, feasible/infeasible solutions, neighbourhoods, and the relation(s) between neighbours. * Good understanding of the above concepts and how a basic local search works, is a key knowledge necessary to anyone who wishes to learn and work with heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms for solving hard real-world optimization problems.    
关 键 词: 算法; 解决方案; 启发式搜索; 搜索技术; 简单概念
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-15:wxi
阅读次数: 44