

Mythology in German literature
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=7b37a366...  
主讲教师: Bartel, Heike
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线观看或下载为zip文件。如2010年春季学期所教。我们被来自古代神话的材料和引用所包围:我们谈论复杂的俄狄浦斯,命名宇宙飞船阿波罗和强大的洗涤剂阿贾克斯,有关于丘比特拉回弓的歌曲,把俄狄浦斯与弗洛伊德而不是索福克勒斯联系在一起,把尤利西斯与詹姆斯·乔伊斯而不是荷马联系在一起。文学,尤其是,利用古代神话作为丰富的来源来描述强大的情感,狡猾的政治或心理戏剧。本单元将探讨选取的德国文学文本如何运用古代神话中的主题,以及个别作者如何结合古老神话中的主题。与他们的新故事。内容和信息。我们将集中在美狄亚,强大和可怕的妻子杰森谁杀死了儿子,她喜欢伤害杰森,她恨和恐吓希腊社会疏远她。以欧里庇德斯古译本为起点(当然,在翻译中),我们将仔细研究这个神话在1926年至1998年间的德国文本中是如何被使用、改变和重新创造的。神话及其接受的理论著作将为我们提供相关的背景知识,我们将从绘画、电影、戏剧和音乐等方面来看待美狄亚神话的接受,从而为这一主题增加跨学科的视角。适合本科4级学习。海克·巴特尔博士,现代语言与文化学院。Bartel博士目前的研究重点是18世纪到20世纪的神话和神话接受,尤其是美狄亚神话。最近在这一领域的活动和出版物包括:与布里斯托尔大学a .西蒙博士合编的《解除束缚的美狄亚:从古代到21世纪古典神话的跨学科研究方法》(牛津:勒让达,2010)一书。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010. We are surrounded by materials from and references to ancient mythology: we talk about the Oedipus-complex, name spaceships Apollo and powerful detergents Ajax, have songs about Cupid drawing back his bow and associate Oedipus with Freud rather than Sophocles, Ulysses with James Joyce rather than Homer. Literature, in particular, uses ancient mythology as a rich source to describe powerful emotions, cunning politics or psychological drama. This module will explore how selected German literary texts use motifs from Ancient mythology and how the individual authors combine the ‘old’ stories with their ‘new’ content and message. We will focus on Medea, the powerful and horrific wife of Jason who kills the sons she loves to hurt Jason whom she hates and scare Greek society that alienated her. Using Euripides ancient version as a starting point (in translation, of course,) we will look closely at how the myth is used, changed and reinvented in German texts written between 1926 and 1998. Theoretical writings on mythology and its reception will provide us with relevant background knowledge and we will add an interdisciplinary angle to the topic by looking at the reception of the Medea myth in paintings, film, theatre and music. Suitable for study at undergraduate level 4. Dr Heike Bartel, School of Modern Languages and Culture. Dr Bartel's current research focus is mythology and myth reception from 18th to 20th century with particular focus on the myth of Medea. Recent activities and publications in this field include: Co-editor (with Dr. A. Simon, University of Bristol) of book 'Unbinding Medea: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st Century' (Oxford: Legenda, 2010).
关 键 词: 古代神话; 文学作品; 德国文学; 强烈的情感、狡诈的政治或心理剧
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-15:wxi
阅读次数: 113