
War on climate change
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=880f5e01...  
主讲教师: Humphrey, Matthew
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 2017-03-31
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: In this podcast - Going to war for the environment? Dr Matthew Humphrey, Reader in Political Philosophy assesses a controversial theory by Australian academic Professor Robyn Eckersley. Professor Eckersley is among a group of experts who believe that military intervention may be reasonably used to protect natural resources.
关 键 词: 气候变化; 环境保护; 环境问题; 生存境地; 保护措施
课程来源: 诺丁汉大学公开课
最后编审: 2018-12-15:wxi
阅读次数: 41