个人和职业发展Personal & professional development |
课程网址: | http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=b39b4dc7... |
主讲教师: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
开课单位: | 诺丁汉大学 |
开课时间: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 这个资源提供了个人和专业的发展活动和要求嵌入18个月的研究生入学医学课程的临床前部分和学生必须保持的投资组合的概述。研究生入学医学(GEM)课程包括两个主要主题:基础与临床科学(BCS)模块7 - 9 (GEM year 2)模块1 - 6 (GEM year 1)个人与专业发展(PPD)模块2(创业板第二年)模块1(创业板第一年)创业板课程的个人与专业发展模块围绕专业的概念展开。它们结合了基本的沟通和体检技能,鼓励你培养专业的行为和态度,并认识到伦理原则是如何支撑临床实践的。这些是医生的核心技能,《良好的医疗实践》一书中强调了这些技能的重要性。PPD涵盖的领域包括:•早期临床经验(ECE)(全科实习)–由临床技能与牛主任领导;专业能力(临床和技术技能);由临床技能与牛主任领导;职业价值观(态度和行为);主导PPD模块代码:A12P1G &A12P2G学年:2010年至2012年适用于:2级学分:15目标学生:限于注册参加GEM (Graduate Entry Medicine)课程的学生这个模块的名额有限。本中心提醒学生,如未能预先获得有关学校同意,报名可能会被取消,恕不另行通知。前提条件:仅限于注册GEM(研究生入学医学)项目的学生 |
课程简介: | This resource provides an overview of the Personal and Professional Development activities and requirements embedded within the eighteen month pre-clinical part of the Graduate Entry Medicine course and the portfolio that students are required to maintain for the duration of the course. The Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) course comprises two key themes: 1. Basic and Clinical Sciences (BCS) Modules 7 to 9 (GEM year 2) Modules 1 to 6 (GEM year 1) 2. Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Module 2 (GEM year 2) Module 1 (GEM year 1) The Personal and Professional Development modules of the GEM course centre around the concept of professionalism. They integrate basic communication and physical examination skills and encourage you to develop professional behaviour and attitudes and an awareness of how ethical principles underpin clinical practice. These are core skills for doctors and their importance is emphasised by the General Medical Council in the publication “Good Medical Practice”. Areas covered under the umbrella of PPD include: • Early Clinical Experience (ECE) (General Practice visits) – led by the Director of Clinical Skills • Professional Competencies (practical clinical and technical skills) – led by the Director of Clinical Skills • Professional Values (attitudes and behaviour) – led by the Head of PPD Module Codes: A12P1G & A12P2G Year: 2010 to 2012 Suitable for study at: Level 2 Credits: 15 Target Students: Restricted to students registered for the GEM (Graduate Entry Medicine) programme There is a limited number of places on this module. Students are reminded that enrolments which are not agreed by the Offering School in advance may be cancelled without notice. Prerequisites: Restricted to students registered for the GEM (Graduate Entry Medicine) programme Corequisites: None Offering School: Graduate Entry Medicine and Health |
关 键 词: | 基础和临床科学; 个人和专业发展; 早期临床经验 |
课程来源: | 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。 |
最后编审: | 2018-12-16:wrq |
阅读次数: | 46 |