

Hitler and the Third Reich
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=be76038c...  
主讲教师: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线观看或下载为zip文件。如2010年春季学期所教。第三帝国是我们这个时代最臭名昭著、讨论最多、最恐怖的时期之一,尽管它也得到了很好的研究,但仍然提出了许多问题:像希特勒这样的人怎么能获得如此大的权力?一个民族怎么可能灭亡呢?为了纳粹意识形态?为什么是犹太人?在这节课中,我们将讨论1933年到1945年之间的时间问题。我们将讨论和研究它的政治、社会和文化,提出关于宣传、新闻、青年和妇女组织的作用以及电影、艺术和文学的作用的问题。一些关于法西斯意识形态的理论著作将为我们提供相关的背景知识,我们将使用原始的德国材料,如文件、报纸、照片、海报、电影和演讲。该模块由一个小时的讲座和一个小时的研讨会组成。如有需要,课程将以德文授课,并附有详尽的单元手册、讲稿和其他材料。研讨会将以英文进行。本模块适用于本科一年级的学习。Heike Bartel博士。Bartel博士目前的研究重点是18 - 20世纪的神话和神话接受,尤其是美狄亚神话。最近在这一领域的活动和出版物包括:与布里斯托尔大学a .西蒙博士合编的《解除束缚的美狄亚:从古代到21世纪古典神话的跨学科研究方法》(牛津:勒让达,2010)一书。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010. The Third Reich is one of the most notorious, discussed and horrific periods of our age and although it is also very well researched, still raises many questions: How could a man like Hitler gain so much power? How could a whole nation ‘fall’ for the Nazi ideology? Why the Jews ..? In this module we will aim to deal with these and other questions about the time between 1933 and 1945. We will discuss and research its politics as well as its society and culture, raise questions about the function of propaganda, press and youth and women organisations as well as the role of films, art and literature. Some theoretical writings on fascist ideology will provide us with relevant background knowledge and we will work with original German materials such as documents, newspapers, photos, posters, films and speeches. The module consists of a one hour lecture and a one hour seminar. Where appropriate, lectures will be delivered in German, accompanied by an extensive module booklet with lecture notes and further material. Discussions and seminars will be held in English. This module is suitable for study at undergraduate level 1. Dr Heike Bartel. Dr Bartel's current research focus is on Mythology and myth reception from 18th to 20th century with particular focus on the myth of Medea. Recent activities and publications in this field include: Co-editor (with Dr. A. Simon, University of Bristol) of book 'Unbinding Medea: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st Century' (Oxford: Legenda, 2010).
关 键 词: 模块框架; zip文件; 艺术和文学
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-16:wrq
阅读次数: 39