
Introduction to macroeconomics
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=d29e890e...  
主讲教师: John Gathergood
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
这是一个模块框架。它可以在线查看或作为zip文件下载。2010年春季学期授课。本模块介绍现代宏观经济分析。宏观经济学涉及经济学家能够提出的一些最紧迫和最基本的问题,例如:什么决定了经济增长?为什么经济在产出上表现出扩张(“繁荣”)和收缩(“萧条”)?是什么推动就业和工资、储蓄和投资?是什么导致了通货膨胀,为什么这是一个问题?如果有的话,政府能做些什么来改善经济表现呢?微观经济学是对个体层面上的经济主体和市场的分析。宏观经济学关注的是微观经济行为在整个经济层面上的总体影响。因此,经济中个体行为人的行为与经济的总体表现之间有着明显的联系。这是现代宏观经济学分析的起点——尽管宏观经济学并不总是以这些术语来理解或教授,而且之前对a级或同等水平的宏观经济学的研究也不是建立在“微观基础”之上的现代宏观经济学理解之上的。因此,学习这个模块不需要先学习经济学,而之前学习过宏观经济学的学生可能需要重新思考他们如何理解总体经济。本模块适用于本科一年级约翰·杰西古德博士的学习。John good于2008年7月加入经济学院,担任ESRC博士后研究员。他的主要研究领域是家庭金融,特别感兴趣的是与住房财富、参与信贷市场和自营职业有关的家庭金融行为。
课程简介: This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010. This module provides an introduction to modern macroeconomic analysis. Macroeconomics is concerned with some of the most pressing and fundamental questions economists can ask, such as: What determines economic growth? Why do economies exhibit expansions ('booms') and contractions ('busts') in output? What drives employment and wages, saving and investment? What causes inflation and why is it a problem? What, if anything, can governments do to improve the performance of an economy? Microeconomics is concerned with the analysis of economic agents and markets at the individual level. Macroeconomics is concerned with the aggregate implications of microeconomic behaviour at the economy-wide level. So there is a clear connect between the actions of individual agents in the economy and the aggregate performance of the economy. This is the starting point for modern macroeconomic analysis - though macroeconomics has not always been understood or taught in these terms, and prior study of macroeconomics at A-level or equivalent is not based on this modern understanding of macroeconomics built on 'microfoundations'. Consequently prior study of economics is not necessary for taking this module and students who have studied macroeconomics previously may have to re-think how they understand the aggregate economy. This module is suitable for study at Undergraduate level 1 Dr John Gathergood, School of Economics. John Gathergood joined the School of Economics as an ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in July 2008. His main area of research is household finance, with a particular interest in household financial behaviour in relation to housing wealth, participation in credit markets and self-employment.
关 键 词: 模块框架; 经济学理论; 宏观经济学
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-17:wrq
阅读次数: 45