
Industry perspectives in media branding and promotion
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=dc62715d...  
主讲教师: Charlie Mawer
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在这次演讲中,来自电影和电视研究所的短暂媒体工作室,来自Red Bee Media的Charlie Mawer讨论了他的公司在电视频道的品牌推广方面的工作;从BBC频道到戴夫这样的新频道。制作/发表时间:2009年6月/ 7月适合本科学习和社区教育的Charlie Mawer,红蜂传媒执行创意总监Charlie Mawer,在经历了一段喜剧写作的时光后,加入了BBC创意部门,最终成为执行创意总监。2005年,他帮助公司转型为红蜂传媒。从那时起,他监督了包括BBC1、BBC3、Virgin1的品牌重塑以及UKTV的网络品牌重塑等备受瞩目的工作,其中包括大卫的IPA金奖创作。红蜂传媒与迪士尼、探索频道、ESPN、Canal+等媒体品牌合作,为CCTV和ndash打造品牌;中国中央电视台奥运频道,北京奥运会的主持人。
课程简介: In this presentation from the Institute of Film and Television Studies' Ephemeral Media Workshops Charlie Mawer from Red Bee Media, discusses his company's work on the branding and promotion of television channels; from BBC channels through to new channels like Dave. Presentation produced/delivered: June/July 2009 Suitable for undergraduate study and community education Charlie Mawer, Executive Creative Director, Red Bee Media Charlie Mawer, after a spell of writing comedy, joined a fledgling BBC creative department eventually becoming Executive Creative Director. In 2005 he helped transform the company into Red Bee Media. Since then he has overseen high profile work including the rebranding of BBC1, BBC3, Virgin1 and the network rebranding of UKTV including the IPA gold winning creation of Dave. Red Bee Media works globally with media brands including Disney, Discovery, ESPN, Canal+, and has produced branding for CCTV – China Central Television's Olympic channel, the host broadcaster for the Beijing Olympics.
关 键 词: 简短媒体; 电视频道品牌推广; 社区教育
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-17:wrq
阅读次数: 53