
Ideas and politics in contemporary Britain
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=dd71e9f5...  
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开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
2011年春季学期。本模块的目的是解释和评估思想和意识形态在英国政治中的性质和作用。具体来说,它考察了“主流”政党(保守党、工党和自由民主党)的政策如何以及为什么会受到思想和意识形态以及政治实用主义的影响。它还探讨了小党派和新社会运动的思想和意识形态。及其对当今英国政治研究与实践的作用与意义。模块代码:M13115(20学分)适合研究:安德鲁·德纳姆博士本科水平,政治与国际关系学院德纳姆博士持有一级应用社会科学学位硕士学位的政治思想和政治来自南安普顿大学的博士学位,在那里他被教授雷蒙德(现在主)监督工厂。他在英国政治新右翼智库方面的博士学位,曾获得英国政治研究协会(UK Political Studies Association)的沃尔特•白芝浩特(Walter Bagehot)最佳政府与行政论文奖。2007年,他因对英国政治研究的杰出贡献而获得PSA的理查德·罗斯奖。他的研究和教学兴趣包括英国政治思想、英国公共政策、保守党政治和政治传记。
课程简介: As taught Spring Semester 2011. The aim of this module is to explain and assess the nature and role of ideas and ideologies in British politics. Specifically, it examines how and why the policies of the 'mainstream' parties (Conservative, Labour and the Liberal Democrats) have been affected by ideas and ideologies, on the one hand, and political pragmatism, on the other. It also explores the ideas and ideologies of minor parties and ‘new social movements’ and their role and significance for the study and practice of politics in Britain today. Module Codes: M13115 (20 credits) Suitable for study at: undergraduate Level Dr Andrew Denham, School of Politics and International Relations Dr Denham holds a 1st Class degree in Applied Social Sciences, an MA in Political Thought and a PhD in Politics from the University of Southampton, where he was supervised by Professor Raymond (now Lord) Plant. His PhD on New Right think tanks in British politics, won the UK Political Studies Association's Walter Bagehot Prize for Best Thesis in Government and Administration. In 2007, he received the PSA's Richard Rose Prize for his distinctive contribution to research in British Politics. His research and teaching interests encompass British political ideas, British public policy, Conservative Party politics and political biography.
关 键 词: 英国政治; “主流”政党; 社会科学
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-17:wrq
阅读次数: 42