

King Lear to In the loop : fiction and British politics
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=df2bc1e0...  
主讲教师: Matthew Bailey
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
2009年12月11日,诺丁汉大学英国政治中心在英国学院召开会议,邀请政治家、作家和学者探讨英国政治与小说的互动。除了会议之外,当天还对一些发言者进行了几次视频采访。在伦敦举行的小说与英国政治会议上,研究人员Matthew Bailey接受了采访,他回答了Hazel Blears提出的一个问题。一部西部片能提升英国政客的地位吗?英国诺丁汉大学英国政治中心研究员Matthew Bailey博士,适合本科学习和社区教育。Matthew Bailey博士发表过许多与英国政治有关的论文,特别是关于保守党和玛格丽特·撒切尔当选党魁的论文。从2005年到2008年,马修一直在英国政治前线工作;管理赫尔市一位议员的选区办公室。凭借这段经历,他从偷猎者变成了猎场看守人,评估了我们的政治领袖在各种虚构形式中的表现。最近关于这一主题的论文包括:《同情魔鬼:虚构的政客肖像必须如此消极吗?》“(在2007年政治研究协会会议上发表)和《进退两难:战后政治电影和小说共识的反思》(在2009年PSA会议上发表)。英国政治中心设在牛津大学政治与国际关系学院。[url] /政治/ cbp
课程简介: On 11 December 2009, Nottingham University's Centre for British Politics held a conference at the British Academy that dre[url] together politicians, [url]riters and academics to explore the interaction of British politics and fiction. In addition to the conference several video intervie[url]s [url]ere conducted [url]ith some of the speakers on the day. In this intervie[url] taken at the Fiction and British Politics Conference in London, Research Fello[url] - Matthe[url] Bailey - ans[url]ers a question posed by Hazel Blears. Could a West Wing-styled drama improve the standing of British politicians? Suitable for Undergraduate study and community education Dr Matthe[url] Bailey, Research Fello[url], The Centre for British Politics, The University of Nottingham Dr Matthe[url] Bailey has published [url]ork on a variety of topics regarding British politics, in particular the Conservative Party and Margaret Thatcher's election as party leader. Bet[url]een 2005 and 2008 Matthe[url] has also been [url]orking on the frontline of British politics – managing the constituency office of one of Hull's MPs. With that experience behind him he has become poacher turned gamekeeper, assessing the representation of our political masters across a variety of fictional forms. Recent papers on this subject include: ‘Sympathy for the Devil: must fictional portraits of politicians be so negative?' (delivered at the 2007 Political Studies Association Conference) and ‘Stranded on the middle ground: reflections on consensus in post-[url]ar political film and fiction' (presented to the 2009 PSA Conference). The Centre for British Politics is based in the University's School of Politics and International Relations. [url][url][url].nottingham.ac.uk/politics/cbp
关 键 词: 英国政治; 小说; 视频采访
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-17:wrq
阅读次数: 45