

Creativity and mental illness : the Madness and Literature Network
课程网址: http://unow.nottingham.ac.uk/resources/resource.aspx?hid=ecfd287e...  
主讲教师: Patrick Gale
开课单位: 诺丁汉大学
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
在这段视频中,作者Patrick Gale在2009年的疯狂与文学网络研讨会上分享了他对疯狂和创造力的想法。有关录像,请参阅保罗·克劳福德教授和保罗·塞耶教授的节目。简报于2009年5月发表。适合:本科学习与社区教育作者帕特里克·盖尔。帕特里克·盖尔1962年出生于怀特岛,他的父亲是坎普·希尔监狱的监狱长。后来这家人搬到了伦敦。他在朝圣者学校寄宿,在那里他是一个唱诗班歌手,然后去了温彻斯特学院,然后在牛津大学读英语。在成为全职小说家之前,他做过一系列的零工来支持自己的写作,1987年搬到康沃尔。他写过几部小说,还写过短篇小说和中篇小说。他写了一本关于美国小说家阿米斯特德·莫潘的非小说类书籍,并为《每日电讯报》写书评。他的前两部小说《安逸》和《波克的空气动力学》于1986年同一天出版。《生命的真相》(1995)讲述了爱德华·佩珀(Edward Pepper)的故事,他是一名在Kindertransport中从纳粹德国解救出来的流亡者;《初学树木手术》(Tree Surgery for初学者)(1998)讲述的是劳伦斯·弗罗斯特(Laurence Frost),一名不善表达的树木外科医生。《甜蜜的朦胧》(2003)是从四个不同角色的不同视角讲述的。《友谊之火》(2003)借鉴了作者自己在20世纪70年代末青春期的经历,并以康沃尔为背景,探讨了精神疾病对艺术家蕾切尔•凯利(Rachel Kelly)及其家人的影响。重要的版权信息:您可以自由复制、分发和传输本视频,只要您信任原作者。该视频也可以在YouTube上观看
课程简介: In this video author Patrick Gale shares his thoughts on madness and creativity during the Madness and Literature Network Seminar in 2009. For related videocasts see those presented by Professor Paul Crawford and Paul Sayer. Presentation delivered May 2009. Suitable for: Undergraduate study and Community Education Patrick Gale, Author. Patrick Gale was born on the Isle of Wight in 1962, where his father was prison governor at Camp Hill prison. Later the family moved to London. He boarded at The Pilgrim's School, where he was a chorister, then went to Winchester College before reading English at Oxford University. He did a series of odd jobs to support his writing before becoming a full-time novelist, moving to Cornwall in 1987. He is the author of several novels, and also writes short stories and novellas. He has written one book of non-fiction, on the American novelist Armistead Maupin, and also writes book reviews for The Daily Telegraph. His first two novels, Ease and The Aerodynamics of Pork, were published on the same day in 1986. The Facts of Life (1995) tells the story of Edward Pepper, an exile saved from Nazi Germany in the Kindertransport, and Tree Surgery for Beginners (1998) is about Laurence Frost, an inarticulate tree surgeon. A Sweet Obscurity (2003) is told from the alternating viewpoints of four separate characters. Friendly Fire (2003) draws on the author's own experience of a late 1970s adolescence, and Notes from an Exhibition (2007) is set in Cornwall, exploring the effects of mental illness on artist Rachel Kelly and her family. Important Copyright Information: You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this video as long as you credit the original author. The video is also available on YouTube
关 键 词: 疯狂和创造力; 精神疾病; 艺术家
课程来源: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
最后编审: 2018-12-18:wrq
阅读次数: 33