
Machine Learning and Signal Processing Tools for BCI
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bbci09_blankertz_muller_mlasp/  
主讲教师: Klaus-Robert Müller, Benjamin Blankertz
开课单位: 德国柏林工业大学
开课时间: 2009-08-10
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: We will first provide a brief overview of Brain-Computer Interface from a machine learning and signal processing perspective. In particular showing the wealth, the complexity and the difficulties of the data available, a truly enormous challenge: In real-time a multi-variate very strongly noise contaminated data stream is to be processed and neuroelectric activities are to be accurately differentiated. We will then in detail discuss the components of the data analysis chain employed in modern BCI systems, spanning all aspects from preprocessing and feature extraction, adaptive vs. fixed classification and feedback design.
关 键 词: BCI; 机器学习; 信号处理工具
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-21:heyf
阅读次数: 46