
Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology Berlin
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/bbci09_muller_haynes_moller_bfnb/  
主讲教师: Klaus-Robert Müller, John-Dylan Haynes, Sebastian Möller
开课单位: 柏林工业大学
开课时间: 2009-08-10
课程语种: 英语
Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology Berlin (BFNT-B)认为,神经科学的结果可以用来开发健壮的现实世界。对(非医疗)行业具有重大潜力的应用程序。与医学研究从实验室到临床和后台的新范式类似,该中心汇集了多学科的教员,目的是将基础神经科学的见解直接应用于相关应用(从实验室到桌面和后台)。BFNT-B的主要目的是培养新型的非侵入性脑阅读。增强人机交互的技术。他们的贡献将被评估,例如在面向未来的电信系统和服务可用性研究领域,或车辆安全驾驶员辅助措施。
课程简介: The Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology Berlin (BFNT-B) posits that neuroscientific results can be exploited for developing robust ‘real-world’ applications that have a major potential for (also non-medical) industry. Similar to the new paradigm of medical research ‘from bench to bedside and back’, the center brings together a multidisciplinary faculty with the aim of directly applying insights from basic neuroscience to relevant applications (‘from bench to desktop and back’). The major aim of the BFNT-B is to foster novel noninvasive ‘brain reading’ techniques to enhance man-machine interactions. Their contributions will be evaluated, e.g. in the future-oriented field of usability studies for telecommunications systems and services, or driver-assisted measures for vehicle safety.
关 键 词: 伯恩斯坦焦点; 柏林神经科技; “大脑阅读”技术
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-21:chenxin
阅读次数: 44