
Neutrinos from Hell: The Dawn of Neutrino Geophysics
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cerncolloquium_gratta_neutrinos/  
主讲教师: Giorgio Gratta
开课单位: 斯坦福大学
开课时间: 2012-03-09
课程语种: 英语
地震波长期以来一直是唯一报告地球深处条件的信使。 虽然全球地震学提供了关于地球结构的惊人细节,但它只对岩石的机械性质敏感,而不是对其化学成分敏感。 在过去的5年里,KamLAND和Borexino开始测量地球内铀和钍产生的反中微子。 这种“Geoneutrinos”可用于研究地球内部的工具数量增加一倍,可以对地球进行一种全球化学分析,尽管只有两个元素。我将讨论这些新测量的结果,并将它们放在 地球科学。“
课程简介: Seismic waves have been for long time the only messenger reporting on the conditions deep inside the Earth. While global seismology provides amazing details about the structure of our planet, it is only sensitive to the mechanical properties of rocks and not to their chemical composition. In the last 5 years KamLAND and Borexino have started measuring anti-neutrinos produced by Uranium and Thorium inside the Earth. Such "Geoneutrinos" double the number of tools available to study the Earth's interior, enabling a sort of global chemical analysis of the planet, albeit for two elements only.I will discuss the results of these new measurements and put them in the context of the Earth Sciences."
关 键 词: 地震波; 全球地震学; 地球结构; 中微子
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-22:cwx
阅读次数: 72