从Red Hat / JBOSS的角度来看云计算的前景

Vision of the cloud computing from the Red Hat / JBOSS perspective
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/classconference2012_little_vision/  
主讲教师: Mark Little
开课单位: 红帽公司
开课时间: 2012-11-16
课程语种: 英语
平台即服务在过去两年中获得了极大的欢迎。许多供应商已经重写了他们的中间件手册,并放弃了对Java EE的现有投资。随着对移动设备兴趣的快速增长,我们开始听到同样的事情:现有的中间件实现和方法根本不适合移动开发人员。简而言之,云和移动代表了中间件的死亡!但是,我们认为这种方法可能是短视的,也存在风险。企业Java(特别是Java EE)不仅在基于Java的PaaS和移动解决方案中发挥关键作用,而且还可以用作其他语言(如Ruby)的平台,这些平台在这两个领域都得到了越来越多的采用。对现实世界云或移动应用程序的要求包括可靠性,安全性,容错性等等:您的典型企业中间件开发人员已经认为已有40年的理所当然。在本次会议中,我们将讨论云和移动中企业Java的需求。我们还将建议Java,JVM及相关标准和社区如何发展,以便更好地服务于这两个不断增长的重要方面的计算。
课程简介: Platform as a Service has gained great popularity over the past two years. Many vendors have rewritten their middleware handbooks, and discarded existing investments in Java EE. With the rapid growth in interest around mobile, we're starting to hear the same things: that existing middleware implementations and approaches are simply not right for the mobile developer. In short, Cloud and Mobile represent the death of middleware! However, we believe that this approach may be short-sighted and risky. Not only does enterprise Java (particularly Java EE) have a critical role to play in Java-based PaaS and mobile solutions, but it can also be used as a platform for other languages such as Ruby, that are finding growing adoption in both of these areas. The requirements for real world Cloud or Mobile applications include reliability, security, fault tolerance and much more: things that your typical enterprise middleware developer has taken for granted for four decades. In this session we will discuss the needs for enterprise Java in both Cloud and Mobile. We will also suggest how Java, the JVM and associated standards and communities need to evolve in order to better serve these two growing and important aspects computing.
关 键 词: 云计算; 计算机科学; 代理商; 开发人员; Java平台
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-17:cwx
阅读次数: 69