
Predicting Syntax: Processing Dative Constructions in American and Australian Varieties of English
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/clsp_bresnan_dative/  
主讲教师: Joan Bresnan
开课单位: 斯坦福大学
开课时间: 2012-02-15
课程语种: 英语
传统上,不同时间范围内的语言变异一直是不同学科的范畴,每个学科都有一套独特的技术来获取和分析数据。例如,历史语言学,社会语言学和语料库语言学研究不同说话者群体在历史时间和跨空间的差异,而心理语言学,语音学和计算语音识别和综合研究在毫秒级内产生和理解个体语言的动态。 。然而有证据表明,即使在更高层次的句法选择领域,这些不同时间尺度的语言变异也是相互关联的。这是目前研究中的主要结构的主要发现,如(1a,b)所示,澳大利亚和美国英语.a)谁给了你那么精彩的手表? (V NP NP)b)谁给你那美妙的手表? (V NP PP)我们使用非常准确的多级概率产生的概率模型(Bresnan,Cueni,Nikitina和Baayen,2007)来衡量美国和澳大利亚受试者在涉及句子评级的三对平行心理语言学实验中的预测能力( Bresnan 2007),阅读期间的决定延迟(Ford 1983)和句子完成。实验项目均与来自语料库数据库的语境一起进行抽样,按语料库模型概率分层。我们发现澳大利亚受试者与美国受试者共享对语料库概率的敏感性。但它们也显示出共同的差异,特别是收视者在评级任务中的更强的最终权重效应以及决策延迟任务中主题论证的依赖长度效应的缺失(参见Grodner和Gibson 2005)。对这些差异的统一解释是,当PP与预期一致时,“到”的决策延迟减少,自然性等级增加。然后预计澳大利亚集团对PP的预期将高于美国集团。句子完成任务证实了这一预测,这表明澳大利亚人在相同背景下产生的NP PP完成量超过了美国主体。这些研究结果表明,历史上和空间上不同的说话人群体在构造中的经验的微妙变化可以在毫秒级别的个体内部化期望中产生可测量的差异。布雷斯南,琼,安娜奎尼,塔蒂亚娜尼基蒂娜和R.哈拉德巴伊恩。 2007.预测交替变化。在解释的认知基础,编辑。由G. Boume,I。Kraemer和J. Zwarts撰写。阿姆斯特丹:荷兰皇家科学院,第69页。布雷斯南,琼。 2007.句法知识是概率性的吗?英语交替的实验。在根源:语言学寻找其证据基础。系列:Generative Grammar的研究,编辑。作者:Sam Featherston和Wolfgang Sternefeld,第75页.96。柏林:Mouton de Gruyter.Ford。玛丽莲。 1983.一种在整个句子中获得局部解析复杂度的方法。言语学习与言语行为杂志,22:203 218。
课程简介: Traditionally, linguistic variation within different time scales has been the province of different disciplines, each with a distinctive suite of techniques for obtaining and analyzing data. For example, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and corpus linguistics study variation between different speaker groups over historical time and across space, while psycholinguistics, phonetics, and computational speech recognition and synthesis study the dynamics of producing and comprehending language in the individual on a scale of milliseconds. Yet there is evidence that linguistic variation at these different time scales is linked, even in the domain of higher-level syntactic choices. This is a primary finding in the present study of dative constructions, illustrated by (1a,b), in Australian and American English. 1a) Who gave you that wonderful watch? (V NP NP) b) Who gave that wonderful watch to you? (V NP PP) We use a very accurate multilevel probabilistic model of corpus dative productions (Bresnan, Cueni, Nikitina, and Baayen 2007) to measure the predictive capacities of both American and Australian subjects in three pairs of parallel psycholinguistic experiments involving sentence ratings (Bresnan 2007), decision latencies during reading (Ford 1983), and sentence completion. The experimental items were all sampled together with their contexts from the database of corpus datives, stratified by corpus model probabilities. We find that the Australian subjects share with the American subjects a sensitivity to corpus probabilities. But they also show covarying differences, notably a stronger end-weight effect of the recipient in the ratings task and the absence of a dependency-length effect of the theme argument in the decision latency task (cf. Grodner and Gibson 2005). A unifying explanation for these differences is that decision latencies for `to' are reduced and naturalness ratings are increased when a PP is consistent with expectation. The Australian group would then be predicted to have a higher expectation of PP than the US group. This prediction is borne out by the sentence completion tasks, which showed that the Australians produced NP PP completions more than the American subjects in the same contexts. These findings suggest that subtle variations in the experiences of the dative construction by historically and spatially divergent speaker groups can create measurable differences in internalized expectations in individuals at the millisecond level. Bresnan, Joan, Anna Cueni, Tatiana Nikitina, and R. Harald Baayen. 2007. Predicting the dative alternation. In Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, ed. by G. Boume, I. Kraemer, and J. Zwarts. Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Science, pp. 69--94. Bresnan, Joan. 2007. Is syntactic knowledge probabilistic? Experiments with the English dative alternation. In Roots: Linguistics in search of its evidential base. Series: Studies in Generative Grammar_, ed. by Sam Featherston and Wolfgang Sternefeld, pp. 75--96. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Ford. Marilyn. 1983. A method for obtaining measures of local parsing complexity throughout sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 22: 203--218.
关 键 词: 语言变异; 语料库模型
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-03-03:lxf
阅读次数: 54