
Goal-Leaders: Goal-directed, Adaptive Builder Robots
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cogsys2012_pezzulo_builder/  
主讲教师: Giovanni Pezzulo
开课单位: 意大利认知科学与技术研究所
开课时间: 2012-03-14
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: The Goal-Leaders project aims at developing biologically-constrained architectures for the next generation of adaptive service robots, with unprecedented levels of goal-directedness and proactivity. Goal-Leaders will realize builder robots able to realize externally assigned tasks (e.g., fetching objects, composing building parts) and, at the same time, keeping their homeostatic drives within a safe range (e.g., never end up without energy or get hurt), by operating autonomously and for prolonged periods of time in open-ended environments. To this aim, Goal-Leaders will pursue a combined neuroscientific, computational and robotic study of three key sets of competences: ;-the biological and computational mechanisms behind an agent’s goal system, which integrates somatic, affective, and cognitive elements, and realizes the setting and selection of the agent’s goals; ;-the biological and computational mechanisms that support the assignment of situation-dependent value to an agent’s state and action representations, and therefore realize the link between the agent’s goal system and perceptual-motor processes; ;-the biological and computational mechanisms behind an agent’s anticipatory and mental simulation abilities.
关 键 词: 目标领导者项目; 自适应服务机器人; 生物约束体系结构; 目标方向性; 安全有效的人机交互
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-09-12:chenxin
阅读次数: 64