
Online Similarity Prediction of Networked Data from Known and Unknown Graphs
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/colt2013_herbster_graphs/  
主讲教师: Mark Herbster
开课单位: 伦敦大学学院
开课时间: 2013-08-09
课程语种: 英语
研究了网络数据的在线相似度预测问题。我们首先将这个任务与更标准的类预测问题联系起来,表明,给定一个用于类预测的任意算法,我们可以构造一个具有“几乎”相同错误边界的相似性预测算法,反之亦然。在注意到这种一般结构在计算上是不可行的之后,我们将研究的目标对准了网络数据上可行的相似度预测算法。我们最初假设学习者知道网络结构。这里我们观察到Matrix Winnow (Warmuth, 2007)有一个近乎最优的错误保证,其代价是每轮预测时间为三次。这促使我们努力高效地实现一个类似感知器的算法,具有较弱的错误保证,但只有多对数预测时间。然后,我们的重点转向网络的挑战性案例,其结构最初对学习者来说是未知的。在这种网络结构只逐步显露的情况下,我们得到了一个每轮预测时间为二次的误差有界算法。
课程简介: We consider online similarity prediction problems over networked data. We begin by relating this task to the more standard class prediction problem, showing that, given an arbitrary algorithm for class prediction, we can construct an algorithm for similarity prediction with “nearly” the same mistake bound, and vice versa. After noticing that this general construction is computationally infeasible, we target our study to feasible similarity prediction algorithms on networked data. We initially assume that the network structure is known to the learner. Here we observe that Matrix Winnow (Warmuth, 2007) has a near-optimal mistake guarantee, at the price of cubic prediction time per round. This motivates our effort for an efficient implementation of a Perceptron-like algorithm with a weaker mistake guarantee but with only poly-logarithmic prediction time. Our focus then turns to the challenging case of networks whose structure is initially unknown to the learner. In this novel setting, where the network structure is only incrementally revealed, we obtain a mistake-bounded algorithm with a quadratic prediction time per round.
关 键 词: 网络数据; 在线相似度预测; 类预测; 预测算法; 网络结构; 最优化
课程来源: 视频讲座网公开课
最后编审: 2019-05-26:cwx
阅读次数: 29