

PLAL: Cluster-based active learning
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/colt2013_urner_learning/  
主讲教师: Ruth Urner
开课单位: 卡内基梅隆大学
开课时间: 2013-08-09
课程语种: 英语
我们在数据生成过程的一些平滑假设下研究了主动学习的标签复杂性。我们提出了一个程序PLAL,用于“激活”被动的,基于样本的学习者。该过程采用未标记的样本,查询其某些成员的标签,并输出该样本的完整标签。假设数据满足“概率Lipschitzness”,即可聚类的概念,我们表明,对于几种常见的学习范例,将我们的程序应用为预处理会导致可证明的标签复杂性降低(在任何“被动”学习算法下,在相同的数据假设下) 。我们的标签程序简单易行。我们通过实验验证补充了我们的理论发现。
课程简介: We investigate the label complexity of active learning under some smoothness assumptions on the data-generating process.We propose a procedure, PLAL, for “activising” passive, sample-based learners. The procedure takes an unlabeledsample, queries the labels of some of its members, and outputs a full labeling of that sample. Assuming the data satisfies “Probabilistic Lipschitzness”, a notion of clusterability, we show that for several common learning paradigms, applying our procedure as a preprocessing leads to provable label complexity reductions (over any “passive”learning algorithm, under the same data assumptions). Our labeling procedure is simple and easy to implement. We complement our theoretical findings with experimental validations.
关 键 词: 主动学习; 可聚类; 标签复杂性
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-03-13:chenxin
阅读次数: 94