

Dissecting the Canon: Visual Subject Co-Popularity Networks in Art Research
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/cvss08_schich_dtcvs/  
主讲教师: Maximilian Schich
开课单位: 日本东北大学
开课时间: 2008-10-21
课程语种: 英语
在艺术史和考古学中,学者们使用文件来研究物品及其含义,相关人物,地点,时间和事件。在这一努力中,艺术史被定义为“所有人造物的历史”(Kubler,1962),其意味着关注相互关联的物体的动态 - 可以被视为'文化的珊瑚礁'的增长(Gombrich,1979)。这个领域的一个重要问题是佳能的定义或出现,即一组最受欢迎的物体,每个人都知道或应该知道在特定区域 - 如达芬奇的'蒙娜丽莎'和波提切利绘画中的'维纳斯'或建筑中的'斗兽场'和'万神殿'。在我们的演讲中,我们展示了在最受欢迎的分布中,大炮与最受欢迎的物品相同,这恰好是高度异质的。因此,无论对象属于人气分布的头部还是尾部,我们都可以通过观察一般视觉对象的普遍性来探索佳能的含义。
课程简介: In Art History and Archaeology scholars use documents to study objects together with their meaning, related people, locations, times and events. Within this effort Art History has been defined as the 'history of all man-made things' (Kubler, 1962), which implies a focus on the dynamics of interrelated objects – the growth of what can be seen as the 'coral reef of culture' (Gombrich, 1979). An important question in this domain is the definition or emergence of canon, i.e. the set of most popular objects, which everybody knows or supposedly should know in a given area – such as Da Vinci’s 'Mona Lisa' and Botticelli‘s 'Venus' in painting or the 'Colosseum' and the 'Pantheon' in architecture. In our talk we show that canons are identical with the most popular items over a distribution of popularity, which happens to be highly heterogeneous. As a consequence we can explore the meaning of canon by looking at the co-popularity of visual objects in general, no matter if the objects belong to the head or the tail of the popularity distribution.
关 键 词: 艺术史; 佳能; 蒙娜丽莎
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-10-22:chenxin
阅读次数: 68