
Using LOD to share clean energy data and knowledge
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/dataforum2012_bauer_lod/  
主讲教师: Florian Bauer
开课单位: 施耐德能源大学
开课时间: 2012-07-16
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnerhship (REEEP) is leading the development of an clean energy information portal - reegle.info. This portal (funded by several EU countries) takes advantage of (Linked) Open Data technologies and provides and consumes open data in the field of clean energy and is a proven and well recognized best practice example for the benefits of offering and re-using open data. This presentation will focus on highlighting the benefits of using (Linked) Open Data based on the clean energy info portal "reegle" and showcase some existing integrations with other Open Data portals. In addition an introduction on why open data is essential to accelerate the clean energy marketplace will be given. The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnerhship (REEEP) is leading the development of an clean energy information portal- reegle.info. This portal (funded by several EU countries) takes advantage of (Linked) Open Data technologies and provides and consumes open data in the field of clean energy and is a proven and well recognized best practice example for the benefits of offering and re-using open data. One example, showing how mashing up data from different open data sources can add value are the reegle clean energy country profiles. On these pages reegle consumes high quality open data to offer its users a unique dossier on all countries worldwide. These comprehensive country energy profiles include DBpedia definitions, relevant reegle stakeholders ( actors ) as well as project outcomes from the region. Statistics of UN Data, World Bank and Eurostat feed clear graphs and display the data in the most sensible units. For some most countries there are Policy and Regulatory Overviews focusing on issues related to energy and efficiency. This application has proved very valuable to those active in the field of renewable energies, and several access points (e.g. start page, reegle map) guide the user to this comprehensive and unique overview.
关 键 词: 可再生能源; 开放数据; 清洁能源
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2021-12-22:liyy
阅读次数: 74