
The Power of Open Data
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/dataforum2013_bauer_open_data/  
主讲教师: Florian Bauer
开课单位: 再生能与节能伙伴组织
开课时间: 信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
课程语种: 英语
事实上,世界已经拥有管理能源和气候转型所需的几乎所有数据。但是,目前最需要此信息的人无法访问此信息。政策制定者缺乏支持决策的最佳数据,投资者和项目开发人员无法轻易识别和利用最佳机会。这有两个原因:信息分散在孤岛中 - 主要在世界各地的公立,私立和学术机构的“封闭”数据库中。大多数机构仍然认为数据是一种资产的传统观点。因此,他们还认为私下保存数据并限制对其的访问实际上为所有者创造了价值。每个人和组织都自然地以适合他们自己的世界观的方式对事物进行分类和分类。这意味着信息不会被一致地编入索引或标记,并且没有通用的库样式目录或内容的目录(并且不可用)。打开并链接数据(打开数据),然后自动对其进行分类使用基于共同叙词表的一致术语(“受控词汇表”)可以帮助消除这两个障碍。从能源消耗到交通,人口和基础设施等各方面的政府数据已经属于公共领域。让一切可供公众重新使用是第一步,可以释放出全新的发展浪潮。同时,使用一致的术语对所有在线资源进行分类,无论是公共还是私有,都将改善公司之间,跨部门和区域之间的协作。演示将解释为什么开放数据和提高描述知识的一致性对于能源转换至关重要。给出关于有益(链接)开放数据合作的现有示例的概述,显示基于共同叙词的术语如何有助于提高描述和标记文档的一致性,演示如何自由和容易地集成服务(例如重新标记API)帮助连接知识经纪人
课程简介: The world actually already has virtually all of the data it needs to manage the energy and climate transformation. However, this information is not currently accessible to those who need it most. Policy-makers lack the best data to support decisions, and investors and project developers cannot easily identify and exploit the best opportunities. There are two reasons for this: #Information is scattered in silos – largely in “closed” databases at public, private and academic institutions around the world. Most institutions still share the traditional view that data is an asset. Thus, they also believe that holding data privately and restricting access to it actually creates value for the owner. #Every human being and organisation naturally classifies and categorises things in a way that fits their own world view. This means that the information is not indexed or tagged consistently, and that there is no universal library-style catalogue or directory of the content that is (and is not) available. Opening up and linking data (Open Data), and then categorising it automatically using consistent terms based on common thesauri ("controlled vocabularies") can help dissolve both of these barriers. Government data on everything from energy consumption to traffic, population and infrastructure is already in the public domain. Making it all available for public re-use is a first step that can unleash whole new waves of development. In parallel, using consistent terminology to classify all online resources - whether public or private - will improve collaboration between companies, across sectors and regions. The presentation will: *explain why opening up data and increasing consistency in describing knowledge is essential for the energy transformation *give an overview on existing examples of beneficial (linked) open data cooperations, *show how terms based on common thesauri can help to increase consistency in describing and tagging documents *demonstrate how free and easy to integrate services (such as the reegle tagging API) can help to connect knowledge brokers
关 键 词: 开放数据; 信息; 数据
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-10-17:cwx
阅读次数: 53