跨部门和跨国界的数据互操作性 - INSPIRE及更高版本

Data interoperability across sectors and borders - INSPIRE and beyond
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/dataforum2013_lutz_data_interoperability...  
主讲教师: Michael Lutz
开课单位: 欧盟委员会
开课时间: 2013-05-16
课程语种: 英语
在过去的十年中,INSPIRE(欧洲空间信息基础设施)一直在制定法律框架和互操作性指南,以促进泛欧和跨境访问来自不同领域的地理空间数据(例如地址,运输网络,地质和自然灾害) 。 INSPIRE的关键成功因素之一是来自欧盟成员国的数百名数据从业者和用户的积极参与。随着整个欧洲的公共管理部门开始实施INSPIRE,人们越来越关注将INSPIRE数据与来自公共和私营部门的其他信息相结合,以创建创新产品和服务,从而增加数据价值链。该演示文稿将重点介绍与其他部门和跨部门互操作性相关的INSPIRE解决方案。
课程简介: For the last 10 years, INSPIRE (Infrastructure for spatial information in Europe) has been developing a legal framework and interoperability guidelines to facilitate pan-European and cross-border access to geospatial data from diverse domains (e.g. addresses, transport networks, geology and natural hazards). One of the key success factors for INSPIRE has been the active participation of several hundred data practitioners and users from across the EU Member States. As public administrations across Europe are starting the implementation of INSPIRE, there is a growing interest in combining INSPIRE data with other information from the public and private sectors to create innovative products and services, adding to data value chains. The presentation will highlight INSPIRE solutions relevant for other sectors and cross-sector interoperability.
关 键 词: 地理空间数据; 泛欧; 欧盟成员国
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-03-17:lxf
阅读次数: 76