

Olfaction-based behaviour in a mosquito-eating jumping spider
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eca2012_cross_spider/  
主讲教师: Fiona Cross
开课单位: 坎特伯雷大学
开课时间: 2013-03-13
课程语种: 英语
跳跃的蜘蛛(家庭Salticidae)以其独特,复杂的眼睛超过任何其他类似大小的动物而闻名。毫不奇怪,这些动物的基于视觉的行为已在文献中得到强调。然而,最近对来自东非维多利亚湖地区的沙枣(Evarcha culicivora)的研究表明,视力极佳并不排除高度发达的嗅觉能力。在许多情况下,E。culicivora表现出对视觉和嗅觉的专门使用以及这两种方式的相互作用,并且通过检查这些背景,我们已经更好地理解了这种动物的认知专业化。 E. culicivora的捕食策略是独特的,因为它通过寻找携带蚊子的血液作为其首选猎物间接地喂养脊椎动物血液。 E. culicivora可以通过单独的视觉和单独的嗅觉来识别这种不寻常的猎物,但这两种感觉方式也一起工作,携带蚊子的血液气味引发。即使蜘蛛从未遇到过这种特殊的情感,也可以通过视觉找到这种猎物。此外,E。 culicivora将Anopheles属作为其首选的蚊子,这是一个特别有趣的猎物选择。按蚊因所有人类疟疾媒介所属的属而臭名昭着,冈比亚按蚊(Anopheles gambiae)因其具有亲嗜性而闻名。通过检查E. culicivora的嗅觉行为,我们发现这种蜘蛛也是嗜人性的,并且它具有极其复杂的交配系统,与其捕食策略相互关联。这些是对E. culicivora生物学的重要见解,仅通过检查其基于视觉的行为是不可知的。
课程简介: Jumping spiders (family Salticidae) are known for having unique, complex eyes and a capacity for spatial vision exceeding that for any other animals of a similar size. Not surprisingly, the vision-based behaviour of these animals has been emphasised in the literature. However, recent research on Evarcha culicivora, a salticid from the Lake Victoria region of East Africa, illustrates that having exceptionally good eyesight does not preclude highly developed capacity for also using olfaction. There are numerous contexts in which E. culicivora shows specialised use of vision and olfaction as well as an interplay of these two modalities and, by examining these contexts, we have come to a better understanding of cognitive specialisation with this animal. E. culicivora’s predatory strategy is unique because it feeds indirectly on vertebrate blood by seeking blood-carrying mosquitoes as its preferred prey. E. culicivora can identify this unusual prey by sight alone and by olfaction alone, but these two sensory modalities also work together, with the odour of blood-carrying mosquitoes priming E. culicivora to find this prey by sight even when the spider has never encountered this particular prey before. Moreover,E. culicivora targets the genus Anopheles as its preferred mosquitoes, this being an especially interesting prey choice. Anopheles is notorious for being the genus to which all human malaria vectors belong, and Anopheles gambiae is especially known for being anthropophilic. By examining E. culicivora’s olfaction-based behaviour, we have discovered that this spider is also anthropophilic and that it has an exceedingly complex mating system that is interrelated with its predatory strategy. These are important insights into E. culicivora’s biology that would not be known by examining its vision-based behaviour alone.
关 键 词: 蜘蛛; 基于视觉; 捕食策略
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-12-30:chenxin
阅读次数: 80