
Modelling Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructures under Natural Disasters - A Case of Supply, Communication, and Transportation Infrastructures
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eccs07_kajitani_mic/  
主讲教师: Yoshio Kajitani
开课单位: 中央电力工业研究院
开课时间: 2007-11-22
课程语种: 英语
课程简介: This paper introduces the methodological challenge of identifying and quantifying the interdependencies among several critical infrastructures. First, interdependency structures during a natural disaster are modeled based on past events, considering supply (electricity, water, and gas), communication (internet and telephone), and transportation infrastructures (road networks). Interdependencies are defined with respect to physical, functional, and socio-economic interrelationships. A quantification strategy is then introduced based on empirical surveys and economic models. As a case study, the developed model is applied to the 2004 Mid-Niigata earthquake, which severely damaged infrastructure systems in the northern mountainous region of Japan.
关 键 词: 自然灾害; 通信; 交通基础设施
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-03-19:lxf
阅读次数: 66