

Testing Your Business Concept
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/testing_your_business_concept.html  
主讲教师: Karl Jarema; Jeff Blanton
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2010-02-18
课程语种: 英语
OCTANe Building Blocks计划是OCTANe创新基金会(OFI)和“积木”的一部分。系列–为期六个月的开发计划,帮助企业家磨练创建,管理和发展成功企业所需的技能。该计划的目标受众包括大学研究人员和科技创新者。测试您的业务概念 - 开发公司的提示。什么大家伙知道,但不会告诉你。成功之路充满了坑洼。拥有热门新技术的企业家总是陷入这些陷阱。这些是什么?你怎么避免他们?如何摆脱它们?通过与新兴技术公司近30年的合作,我们将分享许多这些课程。
课程简介: OCTANe Building Blocks is program is part of OCTANe Foundation for Innovation's (OFI) “Building Blocks” series – a six month development program to help entrepreneurs hone the skills needed to create, manage, and grow a successful business. The target audience for this program consists of university researchers and science and technology innovators. Testing Your Business Concept - Tips for developing companies. What the big guys know but won't tell you. The road to success is full of potholes. Entrepreneurs with hot new technologies get caught in these traps all the time. What are they? How do you avoid them? How to get out of them? With almost 30 years of working with emerging technology companies, we will share many of these lessons.
关 键 词: 经营理念; “积木”系列; 企业家; 商业概念
课程来源: 加州大学欧文分校公开课
最后编审: 2020-12-02:yumf
阅读次数: 42