
Obama, Nukes and the Democratic Movement in Iran: Foreign Correspondent Reese Erlich Presents a First-Hand Report from Tehran
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/obama_nukes_and_the_democratic_moveme...  
主讲教师: Reese Erlich
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2010-04-01
课程语种: 英语
2010年4月1日Reese Erlich,自由撰稿人的讲座.Reese Erlich的新闻历史可以追溯到41年前。他最初担任Ramparts的编剧和研究编辑,这是一份1963年至1975年在旧金山出版的调查性报道杂志。今天,他担任全职印刷和广播自由撰稿人。他定期为国家公共广播电台,CBC,ABC(澳大利亚),Deutche Welle电台和Market Place广播电台报道。他的文章出现在SF Chronicle和达拉斯晨报中。他的电视纪录片在全国的PBS电视台播出。 Erlich的书“目标伊拉克:新闻媒体没有告诉你的内容”,与诺曼·所罗门合着,于2003年成为畅销书。伊朗议程:美国政策的真实故事和中东危机于2007年出版。日期线哈瓦那:美国政策的真实故事和古巴的未来于2009年出版。2006年,Erlich作为Crossing East的片段制作人,分享了Peabody奖,这是一部关于美国亚洲人历史的电台纪录片。 2004年,Erlich的电台特刊“战争之子:战斗,垂死,生存”,获得了妇女传播联盟颁发的Clarion奖,以及全国头条新闻奖的第二和第三名。他关于美国使用贫铀弹药的文章被索诺玛州立大学的项目审查评选为2003年美国第七大被审查的故事。 2002年,他的电台纪录片“俄罗斯计划”,由Walter Cronkite主持,获得了北加州专业新闻工作者协会颁发的广播新闻深度报道奖。
课程简介: A Lecture by Reese Erlich, Freelance Journalist on April 1, 2010. Reese Erlich's history in journalism goes back 41 years. He first worked as a staff writer and research editor for Ramparts, an investigative reporting magazine published in San Francisco from 1963 to 1975. Today he works as a full-time print and broadcast freelance reporter. He reports regularly for National Public Radio, CBC, ABC (Australia), Radio Deutche Welle and Market Place Radio. His articles appear in the SF Chronicle and Dallas Morning News. His television documentaries have aired on PBS stations nationwide. Erlich's book, Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn't Tell You, co-authored with Norman Solomon, became a best seller in 2003. The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of US Policy and the Middle East Crisis was published in 2007. Dateline Havana: The Real Story of US Policy and the Future of Cuba was published in 2009. Erlich shared a Peabody Award in 2006 as a segment producer for Crossing East, a radio documentary on the history of Asians in the US. In 2004, Erlich's radio special "Children of War: Fighting, Dying, Surviving," won a Clarion Award presented by the Alliance for Women in Communication and second and third place from the National Headlines Awards. His article about the U.S.'s use of depleted uranium ammunition was voted the eighth most censored story in America for 2003 by Project Censored at Sonoma State University. In 2002, his radio documentary, "The Russia Project," hosted by Walter Cronkite, won the depth reporting prize for broadcast journalism awarded by the Northern California Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.
关 键 词: 新闻; 中东危机; 美国的政策; 战争
课程来源: 加州大学欧文分校公开课
最后编审: 2015-10-04:linxl
阅读次数: 62