
Eco Design support in the Rhône-Alpes
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/ecodesign2011_rix_nicolajsen_support/  
主讲教师: Charlotte Rix Nicolajsen
开课单位: ARDI设计部
开课时间: 2011-07-06
课程语种: 英语
在C2C设计倡议之后,ARDI设计部门与经济和竞争集群合作,开发了一个名为“EcoBooster”的集体倡议。目标有两方面: 1.协助公司提升技能、提高知识、在产品/服务的设计中纳入环保目标,以及发展基于新业务模式(服务与产品)的方法; 2.根据盖尔·吉尤(Gael Guilloux)开发的方法,发起并支持一组公司的生态设计项目。
课程简介: After the C2C Design initiative, the ARDI Design department developed a collective initiative called “EcoBooster” in partnership with economic and competitive clusters. The objective was twofold: to help companies enhance their skills, improve their knowledge, incorporate environmental goals in the design of products/services and develop an approach based on a new business model (service vs. product); to initiate and support a group of companies with their eco-design projects according to the methodology developed by Gaël Guilloux.
关 键 词: 设计服务; 环保目标; 提升服务质量; 保护生态
课程来源: 视频讲座网公开课
最后编审: 2019-08-25:chenxin
阅读次数: 68