EDM与科学发现的第四范式 - 对2010年KDD杯比赛的思考

EDM and the 4th Paradigm of Scientific Discovery - Reflections on the 2010 KDD Cup Competition
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/edm2011_stamper_edm/  
主讲教师: John Stamper
开课单位: 卡内基梅隆大学
开课时间: 2011-12-07
课程语种: 英语
技术的进步使得收集大量数据的能力比以往任何时候都更容易。这些庞大的数据集为许多领域提供了机遇和挑战,教育也不例外。了解如何在EDM领域处理极端数量的学生数据是一个日益严重的问题。 2010年KDD杯比赛名为“教育数据挖掘挑战赛”,其中包括10,000多名学生的数据。学生们在卡内基学习公司认知导师的一年课程中完成了超过3000万个问题步骤。我们相信这些是这种粒度级别的最大教育数据集,将公开发布。竞争引起了数据挖掘界的广泛兴趣,但很明显研究界的许多人无法处理这种规模的数据集。在这次演讲中,约翰将讨论2010年KDD杯以及可用于教育数据挖掘的更大和更大数据量的影响,以及这将如何推动未来教育研究的方向。
课程简介: Technology advances have made the ability to collect large amounts of data easier than ever before. These massive datasets provide both opportunities and challenges for many fields and education is no different. Understanding how to deal with extreme amounts of student data in the EDM field is a growing problem. The 2010 KDD Cup Competition, titled "Educational Data Mining Challenge", included data for over 10,000 students. The students completed over 30 million problem steps collected over a year long courses from Carnegie Learning Inc.'s Cognitive Tutors. We believe these are the largest educational dataset at this level of granularity to be released publicly. The competition drew broad interest from the data mining community, but it was also clear that many in the research community could not handle datasets of this size. In this talk, John will discuss the 2010 KDD Cup and the impact of larger and larger amounts of data coming available for educational data mining and how this will drive the direction of educational research in the future.
关 键 词: 教育; 数据集; 粒度级别
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-22:chenxin
阅读次数: 60