教科文组织开放教育资源(OER)计划 - 挑战1000年前的学术范式

The UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Programme – challenging the 1,000 year old academic paradigm
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/emergingtrends2012_caine_unesco/  
主讲教师: Abel Caine
开课单位: 联合国
开课时间: 2012-11-23
课程语种: 英语
教科文组织的OER计划为各国政府和教育机构提供全面的服务,以可持续地开发,使用和分享OER,以实现学习目标。这些服务包括政策制定,机构和个人能力建设,关于建立复杂知识库的技术建议,建立实践社区以及组织大型活动以分享最佳实践。对于教师和学习者来说,OER需要一个非常具有挑战性的范式转变。对于教师--OERs展示他们最好的教学材料,用于批评,复制和改进。对于学生来说 - OER消除了缺乏本地培训的弊端,并提供了向世界上最好的讲师自由学习并可能获得评估学分的巨大机会。许多顶级大学提供OER课程,国立大学的反应意味着什么?
课程简介: The UNESCO OER Programme provides a comprehensive range of services to Governments and education institutions to sustainably develop, use, and share OERs to achieve learning objectives. These services include policy development, institutional and individual capacity-building, technical advice on the set-up of complex repositories, establishing communities of practices, and organizing large events for sharing of best practices. OERs require a very challenging paradigm shift for teachers and learners. For teachers – OERs expose their best teaching materials for critique, copying, and refinement. For students – OERs eliminate the disadvantages of lack of local training and present huge opportunities to freely learn from the world’s best lecturers and possibly earn assessed credits. With many top-tier universities offering their courses as OERs, how are national universities meant to react?
关 键 词: 教科文组织; 教育机构; 自由学习
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-12-25:chenxin
阅读次数: 130