
Automatic Identification of Best Answers in Online Enquiry Communities
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/eswc2012_burel_online_enquiry/  
主讲教师: Grégoire Burel
开课单位: 英国开放大学
开课时间: 2012-07-04
课程语种: 英语
在线社区是主要的信息来源。网络上有丰富的论坛和问答(Q&A)社区,人们可以在那里寻求各种问题的答案。大多数系统采用手动应答评级程序来鼓励人们提供高质量的答案,并帮助用户在给定的线程中找到最佳答案。但是,在我们从三个在线社区收集的数据集中,我们发现他们的一半线程缺少最佳答案标记。这强调了对评估可用答案质量的方法的需求:1)提供自动评级以填写或支持手动分配的答案,并且; 2)通过过滤潜在的最佳答案来帮助用户浏览此类答案。在本文中,我们从三个在线社区收集数据,并根据SIOC本体将其转换为RDF。然后,我们探索了一种使用内容,用户和线程功能组合预测最佳答案的方法。我们将展示这些特征对预测最佳答案的影响如何因社区而异。此外,我们还演示了某些社区系统的某些独特功能如何提高最佳答案的可预测性。
课程简介: Online communities are prime sources of information. The Web is rich with forums and Question Answering (Q&A) communities where people go to seek answers to all kinds of questions. Most systems employ manual answer-rating procedures to encourage people to provide quality answers and to help users locate the best answers in a given thread. However, in the datasets we collected from three online communities, we found that half their threads lacked best answer markings. This stresses the need for methods to assess the quality of available answers to: 1) provide automated ratings to fill in for, or support, manually assigned ones, and; 2) to assist users when browsing such answers by filtering in potential best answers. In this paper, we collected data from three online communities and converted it to RDF based on the SIOC ontology. We then explored an approach for predicting best answers using a combination of content, user, and thread features. We show how the influence of such features on predicting best answers differs across communities. Further we demonstrate how certain features unique to some of our community systems can boost predictability of best answers.
关 键 词: 在线社区; 手动应答; 数据集
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-09-18:chenxin
阅读次数: 67