
What Copyright Owes the Future: Preserving Access to Creative Works
课程网址: http://ocw.uci.edu/lectures/what_copyright_owes_the_future_preser...  
主讲教师: R. Anthony Reese
开课单位: 加州大学尔湾分校
开课时间: 2011-04-26
课程语种: 英语
校长讲座:2011年4月26日Tony Reese教授发表的“版权归未来:保留对创意作品的访问权”。该讲座将探讨法律和技术的变化如何为现在和未来的受众提供创造性作品创造障碍,以及版权法如何应对这些障碍。 Tony Reese是版权领域的领先学者,并在各种美国和外国法律评论和收藏中发表了大量关于版权法和数字版权问题的文章。他是版权,专利,商标和相关国家学说(与Paul Goldstein),版权(与Robert Gorman和Jane Ginsburg合着)和Internet Commerce(与Margaret Jane Radin和John Rothchild合着)的合着者。在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校法学院任教10年后,他于2009年7月加入加州大学欧文分校法学院。他曾是斯坦福大学和纽约大学的客座教授,曾在多个国际项目中教授版权法。校长的主席是授予校园内极少数UCI教授的捐赠职位,这些教授表现出不同寻常的学术价值。
课程简介: Chancellor's Chair Lecture: "What Copyright Owes the Future: Preserving Access to Creative Works", delivered April 26, 2011 by Professor Tony Reese. The lecture will explore how changes in law and technology may create obstacles to keeping creative works available to audiences, both now and in the future, and how copyright law might respond to those obstacles. Tony Reese is a leading scholar in the field of copyright and has published numerous articles on copyright law and digital copyright issues in a variety of U.S. and foreign law reviews and collections. He is a co-author of the casebooks Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Related State Doctrines (with Paul Goldstein), Copyright (with Robert Gorman & Jane Ginsburg), and Internet Commerce (with Margaret Jane Radin & John Rothchild). He joined the faculty of UC Irvine School of Law in July 2009 after 10 years of teaching at University of Texas at Austin, School of Law. He has been a visiting professor at Stanford and New York University, and has taught copyright law in several international programs. Chancellor's Chairs are endowed positions awarded to a very small number of UCI professors across the campus who demonstrate unusual academic merit.
关 键 词: 未来版权; 保存访问; 原创作品
课程来源: 加州大学尔湾分校公开课
最后编审: 2020-09-27:yumf
阅读次数: 48