Seeking and Offering Expertise across Categories: A Sustainable Mechanism Works for Baidu Knows[跨类别寻求和提供专业知识:百度知道的可持续机制

Seeking and Offering Expertise across Categories: A Sustainable Mechanism Works for Baidu Knows[跨类别寻求和提供专业知识:百度知道的可持续机制
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icwsm09_wei_soeac/  
主讲教师: Xiao Wei
开课单位: 密歇根大学
开课时间: 2009-06-24
课程语种: 英语
本讲座首次全面探索了中国最大的在线知识共享社区百度知识。通过分析2008年在网站上4.5个月内参与的520万个问题和270万用户,我们调查用户如何调整初始尝试,并根据参与程度进行不同的调整;特别是,回答者有更积极的动态,更有针对性,更多的赢得,因而得到的回报更多。结果,核心用户组形成积极参与跨类别的询问和回答,从而维持一个自给自足的社区。此外,卓越的“社区意识”将增强社区内的社交关系,特别是对于能够提供专业知识但很少向其他人学习的贡献者。该研究表明,Baibu Knows是一个成功的设计实例,可供进一步研究。
课程简介: This talk presents the first comprehensive exploration of the largest Chinese online knowledge sharing community- Baidu Knows. With analyzing 5.2 millions questions and 2.7 million users participated during 4.5 months on the site in 2008, we investigate how users adjust initial attempts and behave differently according to the level of participation; in particular, there is a positive dynamic for answerers to input more, be more focused, win more, and thus be rewarded more. As the result, a core user group forms to actively participate in both asking and answering across categories, thus maintaining a self-sufficient community. In addition, a prominent "sense of community" would enhance the social bonds within the community, especially for the contributors who can offer expertise but can rarely learn from others. The study suggests Baibu Knows as a successful design instance for further studies.
关 键 词: 在线知识共享; 社交关系; 百度知识
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-04-26:lxf
阅读次数: 53