随时间变化的照片标记:注意力、网络密度和动机作用的纵向研究Photo Tagging Over Time: A Longitudinal Study of the Role of Attention, Network Density, and Motivations |
课程网址: | http://videolectures.net/icwsm2010_russo_tot/ |
主讲教师: | Paul Russo |
开课单位: | 纽约大学理工学院 |
开课时间: | 2010-06-29 |
课程语种: | 英语 |
中文简介: | 随着Flickr,YouTube和Facebook等在线社区中工件共享的增长,需要添加描述性元信息或标签。标签可以帮助个人为自己和他人组织和传达他们工作的内容和背景。这项纵向研究借鉴了社会心理学,网络理论和在线社区的研究,以解释随时间变化的标记。我们的研究结果表明,当贡献者受到社区中其他人的关注时,标记会增加。此外,我们发现用户的网络邻居越直接相互连接,焦点用户倾向于标记他的照片就越少。然而,密度与注意力相互作用,使得被密集的自我网络包围的人比其他自我网络稀疏地互连的人更多地关注。出乎意料的是,我们发现标记与个人享受和承诺的动机之间没有直接的关联。虽然承诺与标记没有直接关联,但是存在交互效应,使得承诺对标记的影响对于具有低密度自我网络的用户是积极的,而当用户被高密度网络包围时是负的。讨论了未来研究的方向以及对理论和实践的启示。 |
课程简介: | Along with the growth in artifact sharing in online communities such as Flickr, YouTube, and Facebook comes the demand for adding descriptive meta-information, or tags. Tags help individuals to organize and communicate the content and context of their work for themselves and for others. This longitudinal study draws on research in social psychology, network theory and online communities to explain tagging over time. Our findings suggest that tagging increases as a contributor receives attention from others in the community. Further, we find that the more a user's network neighbors are connected to each other directly, the less the focal user will tend to tag his photos. However, density interacts with attention such that those who are surrounded by a dense ego network respond more to attention than others whose ego networks are sparsely interconnected. Unexpectedly, we find no direct correlation between tagging and the individual motivations of enjoyment and commitment. While commitment is not directly associated with tagging, there is an interaction effect such that the effect of commitment on tagging is positive for users with low-density ego networks and negative when a user is surrounded by a high-density network. Directions for future research as well as implications for theory and practice are discussed. |
关 键 词: | 在线社区; 描述性元信息; 网络邻居 |
课程来源: | 视频讲座网 |
最后编审: | 2019-04-26:lxf |
阅读次数: | 40 |