ICWSM — A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Online Product Reviews

ICWSM — A Great Catchy Name: Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcastic Sentences in Online Product Reviews
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icwsm2010_tsur_gcn/  
主讲教师: Oren Tsur
开课单位: 哈佛大学
开课时间: 2010-06-29
课程语种: 英语
讽刺是一种在网络社区中广泛使用的复杂的言语行为。然而,自动识别讽刺是一项新任务。讽刺认可可以促进评论总结和排名系统的表现。本文介绍了SASI,一种新的半监督讽刺识别算法,用于识别产品评论中的讽刺句子。 SASI有两个阶段:半监督模式获取和讽刺分类。我们对各种书籍和产品的大约66000个亚马逊评论数据集进行了实验。使用金标准,其中每个句子由3个注释者标记,我们获得了77%的精确度,并且在识别讽刺句子时回忆了83.1%。我们发现了一些强烈的特征,这些特征是讽刺性话语的特征。然而,结合更微妙的基于模式的特征证明在识别讽刺的各个方面更有希望。我们还推测在在线社区和社交网络中使用讽刺的动机。
课程简介: Sarcasm is a sophisticated form of speech act widely used in online communities. Automatic recognition of sarcasm is, however, a novel task. Sarcasm recognition could contribute to the performance of review summarization and ranking systems. This paper presents SASI, a novel Semi-supervised Algorithm for Sarcasm Identification that recognizes sarcastic sentences in product reviews. SASI has two stages: semi-supervised pattern acquisition, and sarcasm classification. We experimented on a data set of about 66000 Amazon reviews for various books and products. Using a gold standard in which each sentence was tagged by 3 annotators, we obtained precision of 77% and recall of 83.1% for identifying sarcastic sentences. We found some strong features that characterize sarcastic utterances. However, a combination of more subtle pattern-based features proved more promising in identifying the various facets of sarcasm. We also speculate on the motivation for using sarcasm in online communities and social networks.
关 键 词: 网络社区; 自动识别; 半监督模式
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2019-04-26:lxf
阅读次数: 69