
Can the Ambiance of a Place be Determined by the User Profiles of the People Who Visit It?
课程网址: http://videolectures.net/icwsm2011_gosling_ambiance/  
主讲教师: Sam Gosling
开课单位: 德克萨斯大学
开课时间: 2011-08-18
课程语种: 英语
最近,出现了几个在线社交网站(OSN,例如,FourSquare),其允许人们在物理位置记录和广播他们的存在。我们检查了使用麻醉剂FourSquare页面上列出的频繁顾客图像的可行性来推断建立的氛围。在Study 1中,10位评委独立评选了德克萨斯州奥斯汀的25家酒吧和24家咖啡馆。评分基于每个机构的25个随机选择人员的概况图。评级考虑了环境的物理和心理特征(例如,响亮,令人毛骨悚然),典型的顾客个性(例如,外向的),以及可能的保护性(例如,跳舞)。结果表明,对于所评定的属性进行了大量的判断共识(分别为环境,守护性和顾客活动变量的平均ICCsaveraged .32,.69。和.33)。在研究2中,由10名观察员组成的第二个团队在工作时间访问了每个目标测试,并将每个位置评定为同一组变量。这些评级也显示出法官之间的共识(平均ICC平均为.69,.79和.62分别为环境,顾客个性和守护性变量)。研究1和研究2中获得的评价之间的相关性表现出令人惊讶的强烈趋同,这表明该概况照片传达了关于目标企业的有效信息。
课程简介: Recently, several online social networking sites (OSNs; e.g., FourSquare) have emerged that allow people to record and broadcast their presence at physical locations. We examined the viability of using images of frequent patrons listed on an establishment’s FourSquare page to infer the ambiance of the establishment. In Study 1, 10 judges independently rated 25 bars and 24 cafes in Austin, Texas. Ratings were based on the profile pictures of 25 randomly selected persons who frequented each establishment. Ratings tapped ambient physical and psychological qualities (e.g., loud, creepy), typical-patron personalities (e.g., extraverted), and likely patron activities (e.g., dancing). Results indicated considerable inter-judge consensus across the attributes rated (mean ICCs averaged .32, .69. and .33 for the ambiance, patronpersonality, and patron-activity variables respectively). In Study 2, a second team of 10 observers visited each target establishment during business hours and rated each location on the same set of variables. These ratings also showed strong inter-judge consensus (mean ICCs averaged .69, .79. and .62 for the ambiance, patron-personality, and patronactivity variables respectively). Correlations between the ratings obtained in Studies 1 and 2 showed surprisingly strong convergence suggesting that the profile photos conveyed valid information about the target establishments.
关 键 词: 在线社交网站; 随机选择; 概况图
课程来源: 视频讲座网
最后编审: 2020-06-08:yumf
阅读次数: 36